- McDonald's -

- Accurate Info - Karen Schafer, AAustralia, March 05 19100
- it is not sin to eat flesh - re-poster, United States, March 04 19100
- ABC and Eisner giving McD free plugs - plumplucker, US, March 04 19100
- Mutual Support Society? - fraqtl, Australia, March 04 19100
- Yet more on why meat is a risk factor for cancer. - MDG, March 03 19100
- McD SUCKS !!!!! - Sierra CLaydon, March 03 19100
- Milkshakes at McDonalds - Delphine, Australia, March 03 19100
- Searching....can you help? - Zac Domagalski, DomaTech International, Australia, March 03 19100
- Mc donnalds - mael, France, March 03 19100
- Why McDonald's Restaurants Magnetize Violence - Ron Gone, March 03 19100
- these burgers are making me sick!!!!! - Brendan, australia, March 02 19100
- Australian left out of the McPicture - natalie and brendan, mcfuck, australia, March 02 19100
- response to prana 69 - knievel, australia, March 01 19100
- MY THOUGHTS ON THE WEBSITE - John White, AUSTRALIA, February 29 19100
- McD CAUSED FOOD POISONING OUTBREAK? - cherrypicker, States, February 29 19100
- hygiene - louis philippe, republic of Ireland, February 29 19100
- Response to Knievel & Crash - Prana69, Australia, February 29 19100
- Presidential Candidate Criticizes McDonald's - Gaskins Supporter, USA, February 29 19100
- McDonalds and heart disease reply - Crash, Australia, February 28 19100
- MDG & LARS - Prana 69, Australia, February 27 19100
- Nutrition - Stew, Australia, February 27 19100
- Help Wanted. - Stew, Australia, February 27 19100
- karma prana 69 - knievel, australia, February 27 19100
- FANTASY WORLD - Crash, Australia, February 27 19100
- McDonald's is clean! - Rachael, England, February 27 19100
- Some very angry people - Entruchio, Australia, February 27 19100
- Right on CRASH! - Prana 69, Australia, February 25 19100
- Advertising/Art??? - Nick, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, February 25 19100
- Regarding the meat-eating debate - Fiona McKinley, Australia, February 25 19100
- THAT'S LIFE - Crash, Australia, February 25 19100
- Vegetarian doctors mopping up the floor with meat advocates - MDG, February 24 19100
- I Don't - Proud Citizen of the USA, February 24 19100
- McDonalds and Heart Disease - MDG, February 23 19100
- McDonalds Advertising - John, Australia, February 23 19100
- Alliances, Business Partnerships and Policies - Greg Jarosch, Australia, February 23 19100
- Atari Teenage Riot - Amber, Australia, February 23 19100
- What goes into the shakes? - Ross, Australia, February 23 19100
- Mc Donalds - John, Australia, February 23 19100
- Insecurity - Kevin, February 23 19100
- A debt of gratitude - David Handley, Australia, February 23 19100
- Mcdonaldization of Society - James, United States, February 22 19100
- IRA - jj, uk, February 19 19100
- All of you grow up! Animals LIKE to die for you! - Beefy Bob, February 18 19100
- McDonalds is NOT ok - joAnne, USA, February 17 19100
- Double Standard US and Europe - Irene, US, February 14 19100
- What is the real status? - Lindsay Maddox, U.S.A, February 14 19100
- Capitalism as a whole - Tom Chapman, Australia, February 14 19100
- McDonalds is ok with me - Jaaska, -, Finland, February 14 19100
- Breast cancer from a all vegetarian diet... - Hamburger man., February 14 19100
- 'Reports' showing no incresed death among meat-eaters. - LEJ, February 14 19100
- Vegans - Obsessed by death and slaughter... - LEJ, February 14 19100
- Your, and My Views on McDonalds - Will Wong, Canada, February 10 19100
- Meat: Hell on animals, hell on the environment. - MDG, February 09 19100
- McDonalds sucks!!!!! - Ben DOver, SHS, USA, February 09 19100
- food - ALEC, SARASOTA HIGH, USA, February 09 19100
- YUMMMY! - Katy, USA, February 09 19100
- McDonalds - Shane , white , u.s, February 09 19100
- McDNAlds - Lindsey and Jackie, USA, February 09 19100
- McDonald's food - Shay McKing, February 09 19100
- why? - Katie, u.s, February 09 19100
- Greater Life Expectancy For Veg - Info for Lars, February 09 19100
- How do people eat this stuff? - Michael Rumble, USA, February 09 19100
- Great to work in Netherlands - McDonalds employee in Netherlands, Netherlands, February 07 19100
- Meat is Healthy Food! - Lars, Sweden, February 06 19100
- Mac Murder - SuuS + Jo, the Netherlands, February 04 19100
- Employee of 16yrs get SCREWED - Screwed, Ohio, February 03 19100
- Shocking revelations about McDonalds! - Tim North, England, February 01 19100
- thanks! - Flameboy, Retortion , Belgium H8000 area, January 30 19100
- Ultra Pasturized Contaminated MIlk - renee, USA, January 29 19100
- Alright Already - Al, January 28 19100
- McDonalds is great! - Lars Jonsson, Sweden, January 26 19100
- Target marketing of our young! - Mark S, Canada, January 26 19100
- realizations - Greedstomper, January 25 19100
- Company on a whole- what do you think? - COD, McDonald's, UK, January 21 19100
- Mc Donalds sucks!! - Karen Ruebens, Belgium, January 20 19100
- Proud to be a McDonalds employee - Ronnie McD, McDonalds, Everywhere, January 19 19100
- Anagram - Mick Tully, UK, January 16 19100
- McD's Sucks! - Emily, January 15 19100
- I am also proud to hate mcdonalds... - Berry , Canada, January 14 19100
- Fast food project - Nikki Foster, Sidney Stringer CTC, England, January 12 19100
- US Has A Vegan Running For President - SS, USA, January 10 19100
- 3 Minute Rule and free refills in UK? - Jason Henegan, UK, January 10 19100
- flyer campaign - i did pick it up, canada, January 10 19100
- mcdonalds is evil! - Lucas from montreal, none, canada, January 10 19100
- Cool Tv-Show - Jonas and Thor, REBEL-Revolutionary young socialists , Denmark, January 10 19100
- Mother Theresa on McD Boycott - Eleven Hour Laborer, USA, January 10 19100
- Additives - Dianne, Hong Kong, January 10 19100
- ROTTEN RONNIES - Sean, Canada, January 10 19100
- hitch hikers - grillboy, maccas, australia, January 10 19100
- McDonalds advertising. - Kalvin Chapman, England, December 29 1999
- Please Stop World Bank Cattle project - SS, BMC, US, December 29 1999
- Yes, McDonald's did sue. - Teresa, USA, December 29 1999
- PETA IN ITALY - Member Animal Life, Animal Life, Italy (re), December 23 1999
- Ronald McDonald Actor Makes Amends - National Post Reposter, Light Slays Dracula, USA, December 19 1999
- The scam of the century!!! - Head injury Bob O'neal, Paradise City Vermont, December 18 1999
- Very Interesting - Voice, UK, December 17 1999
- Good loos though - Maria in Montréal, Québec-Canada, December 16 1999
- Bansish Maccas - Abby, Australia, December 16 1999
- McDonald's And Campbell's Soup - SL, Fiat Lux, USA, December 16 1999
- What you don't know can't hurt you - or can it? - Felicity, Australian, December 15 1999
- Customers - Lini, Leeds England, December 14 1999
- I need a list - Joris, The Netherlands, December 13 1999
- UK McD's - Eve, uk, December 13 1999
- I care. - Jeremy, December 12 1999
- French struggle against McDonaldisation continues - Maria in Montréal, Québec-Canada, December 11 1999
- McDonald's - Mike, USA, December 08 1999
- Prehaps - HillBilly, Aust, December 09 1999
- Rats at Mc Donalds - King Queen, Paraplegics in Drag, Cornerstone, December 07 1999
- McDonalds use different people to dress up as Ronald McDonald. - yggdrasil, australia, December 07 1999
- Clint Eastwood decentralized food industry - Animal Action, USA, December 06 1999
- Confused - Hal, Earth, December 06 1999
- Degrading - Lini, Leeds England, December 03 1999
- Stinks - Lini, Leeds England, December 03 1999
- Does McDonalds taste the same overseas - Matt, Australia, December 03 1999
- Meat - Lini, England, December 02 1999
- McDonald's has degraded itself beyond belief - Dave Hunter, USA, December 02 1999
- Why McDonalds doesn't totally suck. - Jimmy G. , Save The McDonalds Fund, Toronto, Canada, December 01 1999
- NPR reports McDonald's window broken - SS, BMC, USA, November 30 1999
- mcdonalds stink - krystle, hong kong, November 30 1999
- Who buys the most chickens feet and heads? - john latham, the expats mcdonalds hate group, america, November 30 1999
- How many people has MCDONALD's KILLED? - Bill Rutherford, USA, November 27 1999
- Laxative in Big Mac's? - Bill Rutherford, USA, November 27 1999
- this is so not true - beam, November 27 1999
- who to believe - sobpup, USA, November 27 1999
- Maccus - TBEER, ohio, usa, November 27 1999
- Vegan/Vegetarian info??? - xMATTx, USA, November 26 1999
- The TRUTH will prevail - Daniel, Australia, November 25 1999
- awful - missy, none, usa, November 25 1999
- hardest job: smallest amount of respect - susan sugar baker, ny, united states, November 21 1999
- stand up and make a mc change - robblerobble, November 20 1999
- Rumors? - Aaron Crim, U$A, November 19 1999
- question: WTO and McDonalds - Haley, SETA, November 19 1999
- Fair pay - Tara , Maccas, Aust, November 19 1999
- maccas is fun - cheryl, australia, November 19 1999
- Poor dear - Maria, québec- canada, November 25 1999
- Meeting In Kent Last Night About McDonald's - Kent Action For Children, USA, November 18 1999
- So what's the real point...... - Mayhem, Ireland, November 18 1999
- when i was a child... - mishelle , america, November 18 1999
- lettuce ain't waht it is. - NASTY GEEZER, November 17 1999
- Papers on McDonalds? - Brian, Canada, November 17 1999
- Self-indulgence, my arse! - Karl Thorpe, Austria, November 17 1999
- McDonaldization? - Tracy, November 16 1999
- McDonalds has not created a society of self indulgence! - Brenda Ledestich, U.S.A, November 15 1999
- McMcMc - Tara, McDonalds, Australia, November 15 1999
- we dont know - Miss 100% TSC, McDonalds, Australia, November 15 1999
- Vegetarianism - Vicky, Canada, November 11 1999
- McDonalds Complaint Page - McBurned, McNastys McRude, Global Patron, November 10 1999
- PLEASE READ, HILLBILLY - Adrian DiTonto, crew trainer, AUSTRALIA, November 10 1999
- proud to work for McDonalds! - tezza, uk, November 10 1999
- vegatarianism - Lauren, America, November 10 1999
- Letter-writing - Jessica, Canada, November 07 1999
- agree - Richard Morgan, usa, November 07 1999
- the success of McD - Austin White, England, November 05 1999
- Addresses? - Jessica, Canada, November 05 1999
- f**ked up or wot??? - nasty geezer, GREAT Britain, England, November 05 1999
- Are McD Potatoes Putting Tons of Nitrates Into Soil - SS, BMC, USA, November 03 1999
- To Matt of Australia: fresh burger an oxymoron - Truth, Sathyagraha, USA, November 03 1999
- How to get a fresh burger everytime!. - Matt, Australia, October 31 1999
- Mexico Union Harmed by McD - SS, BMC, USA, October 29 1999
- McDonald's in Mexico - Juan Mijangos, México, October 29 1999
- People Eating Tasty Animals - HillBilly, Australia, October 28 1999
- Ronald as a symbol - heather, United States, October 27 1999
- veggie burgers at mcdonald's? - attentat, texas, October 27 1999
- Mcdonaldland characters - mark, October 27 1999
- Victorian Residents Against McDonalds - The Anti-Ronald, Victorian Residents Against McDonalds, Australia, October 26 1999
- Victorian Residents Against McDonalds - The Anti-Ronald, Victorian Residents Against McDonalds, Australia, October 26 1999
- National Public Radio Promotes McD - BMC, USA, October 25 1999
- Mclibel doc - Simon Scott, Uk but living in Australia, October 25 1999
- Why the campaigns against Mcdonalds aren't working. - Doug, USA, October 25 1999
- McD's: Better than Most but a Target just because they're Big - James, Not McD's you'll be assured., UK, October 22 1999
- Rubbish - PETER ROBERTSON, SELF, AUSTRALIA, October 22 1999
- Mcripoff - 108 rabbits, pennsylvania,usa, October 21 1999
- quarterly days of action - S Shriver, Boycott McD Coalition, US, October 20 1999
- 2 cents - Paul, Mcdonalds, Australia, October 19 1999
- Slavery - Chris, Miami, USA, October 19 1999
- we do drop food on the floor - necole, October 19 1999
- try a book called Global Spin - Nick, October 17 1999
- Fuck the clown - Nick, lunchtime liberation front, UK, October 17 1999
- I am a little angry... - Colin , SA, October 16 1999
- McDonalds in India - Carmen, Australia, October 16 1999
- YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN KNYSNA MCDONALD'S!!!! - jenny, South Africa, October 14 1999
- CrapDonald's - BurgerFry, USA, October 13 1999
- Worlds apart - Jon, UK, October 11 1999
- McDonalds is great - c. prevost, US, October 11 1999
- I don't get it - Kenny, Canada, October 11 1999
- Whinge whinge whinge... - Dionne, Taren Point, Australia, October 10 1999
- McEnvironment - Sally, UK, October 10 1999
- Eat at McDonald's, What Me? - T. J. Johnson, United States Of America, October 10 1999
- McDonald's blown up in Greece - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, October 10 1999
- Ed-gee may i ask you a question? - Shane , usa, October 10 1999
- STOP THE DEATH AND EVIL WAYS - Natalia Radcliffe, England, October 10 1999
- I love this website, I love cyberspace - ed-gee, usa, October 08 1999
- Persuade me please!! - Fifa, AUSTRALIA, October 07 1999
- What the Australian Vice President Has to Say - Anthony, Australia, October 06 1999
- MCWONDERFUL WORLD - DEEZ NUTTZ, -----, USA, NDP, October 05 1999
- The reason it is called fast food. - God i'm funny hahaha, Australia, October 04 1999
- Mcdonalds is trying to take over the world! - Leah, Australia, October 04 1999
- I had to serve abusive drunk men who vomited on the counter - Shazam, Australia, October 03 1999
- McDonalds-how wrong could I be? - Conniss, Britain, October 03 1999
- Give Maccas a BREAK - Rupert, Australia, September 30 1999
- Go home, we dont want you now - Pete, Australia, September 30 1999
- Sydney Contacts?? - Anthony, Australia, September 30 1999
- Tales of Management - Manager Dan, Australia, September 29 1999
- McDairy ? - Simon, Australia, September 29 1999
- Mc Grease - Berne, Australia, September 28 1999
- 6 Buckets? - HillBilly, Maccas, Australia, September 29 1999
- McD commercial on US tv - Darya, USA, September 27 1999
- What is the world comming to? - Daniel, -, Australia, September 27 1999
- McRubbish remains a symphony of lies!! - Paranoid Ghost, September 27 1999
- cattle buyer - bart, September 27 1999
- Worm Meat?? - vaganperson, Canada, September 27 1999
- I just don't get it... - Robert, AB, Canada, September 27 1999
- Chicken feathers in the shakes - true or false? - Jez Phillips, England, September 27 1999
- McDonalds and breaks for employees - melinda, USA, September 27 1999
- want to know about the evil of McDs - Beckie, Hamilton, Ontario, September 20 1999
- Wow!!!!!! - Carlos G. Muñoz, ITESM, Mexico, September 20 1999
- McDonalds use of beef. - Jamie Lockwood, Friends of British Beef, Britain, September 17 1999
- another maccas closes in Sydney - maffew, community activist technology, Australia, September 17 1999
- Mac Dollar!! - Pitrockzer, Holland, September 16 1999
- slavery - Chris, miami, U.S.A., September 15 1999
- Salery - Cathrin, Sweden, September 14 1999
- La MIERDA que MCSOBRAS ES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - No es importante, Chamuco´s Corp., No es importante, September 14 1999
- A little thought provoker - Johan Husty, Thought Thro Action Ltd, UK, September 14 1999
- SOAP POISONING! - Nathan, USA, September 11 1999
- Rainforest - Conservationist333, NA, USA, September 10 1999
- McDonalds are Crap in England - Tim Mutton, England, September 04 1999
- Bigger is Better? Not at McD's...... - Darya, USA, September 03 1999
- Culture,family , work , etc,etc - vf1ace, September 01 1999
- Hate will always exist - vf1ace, USA, September 01 1999
- The McOz - The Close King, Mickey Dees, Australia, August 31 1999
- I like it - McChick, Australia, September 01 1999
- ADDICTED to McDonalds - Carrie, St. Louis, USA, August 31 1999
- McDonald's IS Scott's life? - Mary, Texas, USA, August 26 1999
- is anything ok to muckeat - Organization of nuclear radicalisation of sanity based on a neutral experience, as above, australia, August 25 1999
- McD, just who the hell are you using for PR here? - Jeff, Australia, August 25 1999
- Drugged zombies have successful business - Ed Goofoffsome, Various, USA, August 24 1999
- Reply To: Norman Bunn - BOB, U.S.A., August 24 1999
- Get a Life! - Scott, McDonald's, U.S.A., August 22 1999
- Mcdonalds breakfast - martin, USA, August 19 1999
- the Mac culture!! - Coco, S'pore, August 19 1999
- this a debate y' right!!!!!! - flameboy, world industries, belgium, August 18 1999
- WHY MCDONALDS??? - flameboy, belgium, August 18 1999
- BigMAc - Luke, Austria, August 18 1999
- I FOUND ONE! - Derek, USA, August 17 1999
- complaints - Skip B., USA, August 10 1999
- mcdonalds - Jeff, Australia, August 10 1999
- McDonalds SUCKS!! - Liz, nothing, New Zealand, August 10 1999
- Greedy , grease ladden, ladder - Aussie Maccas Chick, McDonalds, Australia, August 10 1999
- Sucker for Capitalism - Stevie D, None, Wales, Europe, August 09 1999
- vegatarian - d, August 09 1999
- Total eclipse - Agathoclezzz, Belgium, August 09 1999
- Franchise vs. Corporate - darya, USA, August 06 1999
- Microwaves? HeatLamps? Huh? - Derek, USA, August 04 1999
- Vegetarian - D, canada, August 03 1999
- We All Make Decisions - Robert Jolliffe, McDonalds Crew Person, Australia, August 02 1999
- Correct information - Emilie, Sweden, July 28 1999
- tired of terrible food and dirty franchises - TAMMY BROGREN, STUDENT, USA, July 26 1999
- Cook to Order - breakfast girl, USA, July 26 1999
- charging McDonalds in america - Agathoclezzz, Belgium, July 23 1999
- More McCensorship... - Tommy Atkins, UK, July 22 1999
- Yes...uh huh this is interesting - gordon, USA, July 20 1999
- You will NEVER believe this one.... - Dawn Winkler, Concerned Parents for Vaccine Safety, USA, July 20 1999
- How many people does it take to get. . . - Daniel, Australia, September 29 1999
- beleve this one! - flameboy, world industries, belgium, August 18 1999
- maybe you should have done this.. - tree frog, August 05 1999
- The correct response - Scott, Scotland, August 02 1999
- Re: You will NEVER believe this one.... - Aaron, WY, USA, July 27 1999
- It's the way the world works. - Brian, McDonalds Employee, USA, July 23 1999
- This is a very interesting case. - McCREW, Australia, July 21 1999
- You MUST be kidding me... - Vin, NYC, July 20 1999
- I applaud your dedication as a parent - Ronald M.D., July 20 1999
- nononononon - flameboy, world industries, belgium, August 18 1999
- customer care - Alex oliver, Aspirations International, united kingdom, July 20 1999
- McMatch and miss out! - Mike North, Uinversity of Calgary, Canada, July 12 1999
- I happen to LIKE MCDONALD'S! - Vince, Usa, July 12 1999
- corporate conspiracys with emphasis on mcdonalds (mcdeaths) - fredygump, usa, July 09 1999
- overtime - Steve , Colorado, July 08 1999
- The spirits have risen - Poltergeist, Australia, July 07 1999
- Rise Australian McChildren - McFuka, Australia, June 29 1999
- Incentives to learner drivers - Carolyn, Australia, June 22 1999
- Corporate culture- how do you really feel? - monique, United States, June 20 1999
- Another Mc Deceit - Pluck-a- Duck, Hey Hey It's Saturday, Australia, June 20 1999
- Capitalism is an unjust system. - Ali, USA, June 20 1999
- McDonalds is a joke - Duane, Earth, CA, June 20 1999
- litter clean up - Colin, Australia, June 20 1999
- Help!! Poor A-level Student in distress! - Grace Carter , British, Britain, June 17 1999
- urgent!!! - ric, June 16 1999
- Capitalism at its peak? - Mohawk, UK, June 14 1999
- McD's Veggie Burger seen: any tasters? - Louis, USA, June 12 1999
- McD's Mcdestroys a 110 year old house. - josh, Australia, June 11 1999
- YOU PEOPLE..... - Lucy Beberlin, USA, June 09 1999
- Even newer McD's complaint address found... - Tommy Atkins, UK, June 07 1999
- Gained much weight while pregnant because of McD's - Katrina, June 06 1999
- How can people eat this garbage? - Brad, USA, June 06 1999
- Mcdonalds Food Quality - Grant Fillman, June 06 1999
- fast food commentary - Jon Lansner, Oc Register, USA, June 06 1999
- to mcspotlight: parents are just weak, regardless of ronald. - sammy, June 06 1999
- 'The great food swindle.' - Paranoid Ghost, CANADA, June 04 1999
- Nobody Said - Mary, USA, June 02 1999
- McDonald's Coffee - John W. Key, III, Attorney & Counselor, USA, June 01 1999
- Re: McDonald's Coffee - mcdonalds.mcvictem, usa, July 06 1999
- McDonald's serves their coffee freakishly hot. - Meanie, Den of Decadence, USA, June 10 1999
- If you tried to drink it straight off, it would probabally kill you. - Blanchard, None, June 07 1999
- I wouldn't represent him. - Cynic, US, June 07 1999
- i just cannot get over this - sammy, June 01 1999
- Get over yourselves. - Steph, Australia, June 01 1999
- Information - Julia Hämmerle, Österreich, June 01 1999
- my new Macca's email addy! - kim g, Australia, May 27 1999
- Oops - LvMises, May 26 1999
- My Challenge - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 26 1999
- Back to basics The CLOWN and Mcnasty's - David Peal, Usa, May 25 1999
- Animal Fat - McDonalds employee, Australia, May 23 1999
- Mcrubbish is a symphony of lies! - Paranoid Ghost, Canada, May 20 1999
- Gimme a Break - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 25 1999
- I couldn't have said it better - David Peal, USA, May 21 1999
- it's not lies, it's called advertising - sammy, May 21 1999
- Damm the black heart of the clown! - Paranoid Ghost, Canada, May 21 1999
- clowns are not evil - sammy, May 22 1999
- Do you take me for a fool?...read on Einstein. - Paranoid Ghost, Canada, May 23 1999
- you don't want me to answer that. - sammy, May 26 1999
- well, yeah - Shaun, BK, USA, May 24 1999
- PG, I think there are more severe... - Mike Bacon, I Am Not A Crook, DFW, TX, USA, May 24 1999
- 'Paranoid' - a classic metal tune by Black Sabbath. - Mike Bacon, Bo Roberts in the morning, TX, USA, May 21 1999
- Dammit! stand up for yourself! - Paranoid Ghost, Canada, B.C., May 21 1999
- 'People Think I'm Insane Because I Am Frowning All The Time' - Mike Bacon, BBQ Bob's Roadkill Grille, TX, USA, May 23 1999
- All businesses stretch the truth when advertising. - Sting, May 22 1999
- You wouldn't want to eat what's in the photographs - Hugh Morris, Tough, bloody, and hard to chew, USA, May 22 1999
- we do the best that we can. - joshers, USA, May 20 1999
- Mac's make you FAT!!! - Michelle , Austrailan, May 20 1999
- Overcost - Sandy, Australia, May 20 1999
- NICOLA CHARLES v THE GRILLED CHICKEN - katherine, Australia, May 20 1999
- Overcost - Sandy, Australia, May 20 1999
- torquay does not need Mc Donalds - matthew watson, ballarat Grammar school, Australia , May 20 1999
- McWaste, is society to blame? - John FISKEN, Ballarat Grammar, Yendon, May 20 1999
- burger king is bad - yevgeniy, May 17 1999
- why bother? - Jaz, May 16 1999
- McDonalds Fries And Employees Sanitation - v harmon, usa, May 16 1999
- why target mc donalds? - sammy, May 15 1999
- What is the government doing about McDonald's? - D T, USA, May 15 1999
- I would definately like to know the answer to this question as well! - Linz Tomas, ------, U.S., May 21 1999
- McDs has not violated any laws(any real ones, anyway) - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 16 1999
- What if... - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 18 1999
- Hopefully, not a damn thing! - Mike Bacon, Bo Roberts rules!, TX, USA, May 16 1999
- Gross - Boof, Nome, Brazil, May 15 1999
- I would definately like to know the answer to this question as well! - Linz Tomas, ------, U.S., May 21 1999
- McDs has not violated any laws(any real ones, anyway) - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 16 1999
- What if... - Ludwig von Mises, USA, May 18 1999
- Hopefully, not a damn thing! - Mike Bacon, Bo Roberts rules!, TX, USA, May 16 1999
- Gross - Boof, Brazil, May 15 1999
- Liers - Sarah, May 14 1999
- Keep McDonalds out of Torquay!! - McChux, Australia, May 14 1999
- Mealworms in Macs? - Molly McWorm, Bugs 'R Us, Canada, May 11 1999
- new commercial - Carl, USPS, USA, May 11 1999
- Is it torture? - linzy, england, May 07 1999
- McDonalds Sucks - Someone whose been there, May 07 1999
- Should we sue? - Brian James Murray, Sygnature & Byrd LLC, Unites States of America, May 06 1999
- What is this site? - Nikolaj, Denmark, May 04 1999
- McDonalds or McRubbish ? - Paranoid Ghost, Canada, May 04 1999
- Your opinion - Jack Harvey, April 29 1999
- Good customer service - Rajesh, Usa, April 29 1999
- i work at mc d's - faith, el paso , April 28 1999
- More McRevisionism - Farinata, L'inferno, April 27 1999
- McDonald's complaint address found !! - Tommy Atkins, UK, April 27 1999
- Only about the money! - Amanda , Canada, April 27 1999
- E-mail Address Search - DHilde, United States, April 27 1999
- They are building a McDonalds!!!! - Maria, Denmark, April 27 1999
- My take on this madness - Bobby, USA, April 26 1999
- Right on. - otto, retired, usa, April 27 1999
- McDonalds are the modern day equivelent of the slave trade - J.Keith, UK, April 23 1999
- Who cares about the beef? - Stuttering larry, jones ohio, April 23 1999
- Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to eat it. - Mike Bacon, Broadsided bovine is always cheap at BBQ Bob's, TX, USA, May 08 1999
- media - Liz, usa, May 13 1999
- IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T EAT IT. - Bobby, April 30 1999
- O.K. with me. - otto, retired, usa, April 26 1999
- 'American' Beef - Jeff, USA, April 22 1999
- YOUR FRIES - vharmon, Md., USA, April 22 1999
- Bad Food - Misteeq, vegsource.com, Australia, April 21 1999
- Safety - Ashley, Ontario, Canada, April 20 1999
- Need help - Todd MCcleary, US, April 20 1999
- is macdonalds fries sutible for vegetarians - katija, uk, April 20 1999
- The one thing to remember is... - Misteeq, April 22 1999
- No it's not. - Sita, Australia, April 21 1999
- No they are not suitable for vegetarians. - otto, retired, usa, April 21 1999
- Our oils are not mixed ever. - joshers, USA`, April 21 1999
- In a word.....perhaps! - Hugh Morris, Ignoring the referee, Stern and Roberts brawl outside the ring and are both disqualified, USA, April 20 1999
- Mcdonalds food additives - abby wallace, australia, April 19 1999
- Big Macs - Angela, Canada, April 16 1999
- Safety - Billy, U.S.A, April 16 1999
- ... and it was no big loss ... - Tommy the Terrorist, New World Order, April 13 1999
- Influences - me, Australia, April 11 1999
- What the hell burger boy - david Peal, usa, April 11 1999
- Adress of joan kroc or email? - Jimmy cottton, canton Illinois, April 11 1999
- McD's - bobby bumflap, united snakes of america, April 11 1999
- Sauces - T-Dawg, USA, April 11 1999
- Some times I wish people would just think. - London Monster, Canada, April 09 1999
- MURDER! - Matt Devereux, Nene University, Northampton, England, April 09 1999
- MacDonalds - Lena, April 07 1999
- Aussie update on Melbourne outlet - Gedski, Australia, April 07 1999
- Some facts if you please... - Cassie, national Institute for the Developmentally Disabled, USA, April 05 1999
- Arghhhh... - Justin, April 05 1999
- PROTEST instead of suiciding! - Brian Evans, Poetry, New Zealand, April 05 1999
- The Slick n' Greasy and the plight of the little guy. - the_realist, USA, April 05 1999
- First Impressions - Cliff Finn, uk, April 05 1999
- The environment ? Err! What's that mean ? - Ray, Sydney Australia, April 01 1999
- why do I work for this great company? - store manager, McDonald's, Australia, April 01 1999
- i get up at 3.30 am every weekday to start to 5 am shift and im happy - tara, Maccas, Aust, November 15 1999
- not bloody likely - fuzz, aust, April 26 1999
- If your staff are happy to come to work then you are obviously doing a good job - Julian Keith, UK, April 23 1999
- why do I look down upon this great company? - JayW, USA, April 07 1999
- GREAT COMPANY SAYS WHO? - toney tiger, okmulgee oklahoma, April 05 1999
- This debate seems to be stuck in a loop. - Burger Queen, UK, April 05 1999
- Don't close your mind to all you see and hear. - otto, retired McDonald's, usa, April 05 1999
- hampsters - lee weaver, united states, April 01 1999
- McLibel Appeal results! - Gideon Hallett, UK, March 31 1999
- Pancakes in UK - Tim Boswell, McWorker, UK, March 30 1999
- Annoying customers and why I am annoyed with their stupidity - Kati, McDoanld's, USA, March 30 1999
- Most customers are not annoying, it may be you. - Shaun, Burger King, USA, April 01 1999
- The customers aren't going to change - Sharon, USA, March 31 1999
- Ah! Sour grapes! Would you like an enema with that? - Mike Bacon, I'll take some V-6 Juice, Bob!, TX, USA, March 31 1999
- We're number three! - Hugh Morris, Hulk Hogan and Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf, the Midget-Wrestling Party's candidates in 2000, USA, April 01 1999
- irritating customers - Jen, northeast MI, USA, March 29 1999
- Baseball - Kirk MacNeil, Canada, March 29 1999
- It was... - Hugh Morris, Howard Stern Society, USA, March 30 1999
- Packaging - Kevin Pluim, none, Canada, March 29 1999
- hampsters - heather, hampsters are better people than you , united states of america, March 29 1999
- Could people please help me - Owen Ross, England, March 29 1999
- McD's Rocks - i should know!!!!!!! - gromit, new zealand, March 26 1999
- Mc Donald data - Nivet, France, March 25 1999
- Junk Food - Stu Meyer, Chicago, Illinois, USA, March 25 1999
- when i was at the press launch of bill's new book they mentioned mcd's @ my table - charmy girl, Australia, March 23 1999
- DOWN WITH MC DONNALDS!!!!!!! - Michael, none, England, March 23 1999
- greedy little oops!! - Jaclyn, Orlando, FL, March 23 1999
- There's no free lunch! - dee isner, USA, April 05 1999
- Get over it! - Mike Bacon, Bo Roberts puts sleeper hold on Howard Stern, TX, USA, March 31 1999
- Charging for dipping sauces: It's more common than you think - Shaun, Burger King, USA, March 24 1999
- Uhh....Ok - Dark Truth, March 24 1999
- The McDonaldisation of Society - Dave, March 23 1999
- Hamburgers or real estate? - Ray, Sydney Australia, March 22 1999
- Phone Number for Customer Service - joshers17, USA, March 22 1999
- what a crackup! - cat, u.s., March 22 1999
- Overcharging at McDonalds - Maclad, England, March 22 1999
- diet - Greg the peg, my own little world, U$A, March 22 1999
- QUALITY OF MCNASTY'S - toney Bar-b-que mike, platsburg missouri, March 17 1999
- Complaints - Ritter, March 16 1999
- mcdonalds rotten food - fruit loop, just innocent people , australia, March 16 1999
- McDonalds is not only a great place, but a good career move - ADRIAN DITONTO, AUSTRALIA, March 16 1999
- Why just McDonald's? - M Nieto, UK, March 16 1999
- McDonalds bulldozes 100 year old house - Cath, Australia, March 16 1999
- Extremists - Erin Kelly, Canada, March 12 1999
- People do not become obeice from eating fast food - 2kute, none, u.s.a., March 12 1999
- Maybe not, but apparently they DO become blitheringly stupid - Deep Daddio Nine, March 16 1999
- Disease? hard time biting in to this one. - Dark Truth, March 16 1999
- Yes they do - Shaun, BK, USA, March 16 1999
- Just in case you haven't visited www.mcspotlight.org - Erin Kelly, Canada, March 12 1999
- Says you - Dark Truth, March 16 1999
- I don't know if you just didn't read your article - Kalvin P Chapman, UK, March 12 1999
- Tick tock - Ray, Australia, March 11 1999
- Please help me out! - Hippeman, -, Holland, March 10 1999
- krook - carl, illinois, March 09 1999
- Kroc the crook - carl, illinois, March 08 1999
- their food is horrible - lala, March 07 1999
- what is wrong with McD's??? - Ann, McD worker, March 05 1999
- Are you serious? - Jun Yokoi, Nagoya, Japan, March 25 1999
- I'll tell you what's wrong with McDonalds. - Kids Against Big Mac, England, March 23 1999
- one customer's perspective - player1961, usa, March 18 1999
- It's artificial, it's cheap rubbish, it's cruel to animals and it should be banned. - Joe Bloggs, March 16 1999
- McDonalds is a horrible corporation - Matt Mikos, March 10 1999
- Too many enemies. - Stuart Gort, USA, March 09 1999
- There are so many McDonalds because they make lots of money - Ex McSlave, USA, March 06 1999
- Apologies - Dark Truth, March 06 1999
- Tell me the facts... - Kris S., USA, March 04 1999
- mcdonalds foods - girly, March 04 1999
- McDonald's restaurants kill people - masssa, siol.net, slovenia, March 04 1999
- Human Resource at Macs. - Andy Hunter, UK, March 03 1999
- Macintergalactic - Ray, Australia, March 01 1999
- Huh?? - Dark Truth, March 06 1999
- info please? - bob, freedom from fastfood, uk, March 01 1999
- Concerning the Product - fst, USA, February 25 1999
- Just a question... - Björn, Naturskyddsföreningen, Sweden, February 24 1999
- Jealousy hurts. - Faye Boutses, Mounia Hospitality, Australia, February 23 1999
- McDonalds anti-union policy - David Lanham, California, United States, February 22 1999
- role in society - Arwen, Australia, February 19 1999
- Hourly rate for a 20 year old at a Maccas in Canada? - tenille, Australia/Canada, February 18 1999
- Happy Birthday - annie, Slovenija, February 18 1999
- This is unreal! - Jackie Harris, United States, February 18 1999
- McDonalds - Haider Ali, Cranfield University, UK, February 15 1999
- Green Mackkas for the Olympics....Nuh!!! - GEDSKI, Australia of the GREEN Olympics???, February 15 1999
- Stupid idiot at BK today - Shaun, Burger King, USA, February 15 1999
- fries - Caroline, USA, February 15 1999
- Labor Board - Ex-McSlave, Kentucky, USA, February 14 1999
- mcmurder - boris worrall, na, england, February 12 1999
- where can i file a complaint about a specific McDonalds resturant - mona poulin, maine, usa, February 12 1999
- what's the solution? - Lulu, February 11 1999
- obviously, people still eat it! - Haise, USA, February 22 1999
- Covered this before - Shaun, Burger King, USA, February 15 1999
- The best thing to do is stop eating there. - Damien, February 15 1999
- NOTHING! - shaun, lily, australia, February 12 1999
- Supersizing Questions - Mr. Researcher, US, February 11 1999
- 4 cents - joshers, answers, USA, February 22 1999
- Chicken Nuggets? - Nicole, Australia, February 11 1999
- Save Our Pub - David, UK, February 10 1999
- McDonalds has good benifits - Matt, McDonalds, usa, February 09 1999
- Just shut up! - McCREW, Sean McManus, Australia, February 09 1999
- Any activists in Hong Kong? - Timothy Abbot, Private, Hong Kong, February 05 1999
- spoiled children - drive thru girl, February 05 1999
- My comments... - Mike Bacon, BBQ Bob's Roadkill Grille, TX, USA, February 22 1999
- this child like ego is the cookie syndrome - shaun, lily, australia, February 12 1999
- Disagreed. - drive thru girl, February 17 1999
- I guess McDonalds is a phase in every child's life. - Tim, Private, Hong Kong, February 10 1999
- What kind of twisted culture are we living in? - Deep Daddio 9, psycho world, February 10 1999
- cutting Mc Donalds from their lives would by far have severe negative effects on children. - alexa, February 09 1999
- So why don't parents just stop? - Damien, February 09 1999
- Vegetarianism, Poverty and MacDonalds - João Miguel Aliano, Brazil, February 04 1999
- A Crazy Idea - Damien, February 02 1999
- I work there so listen - Lacey, February 01 1999
- The rain-forest - Björn, b_ofverstrom, Sweden, January 29 1999
- mcdonald's - masa, siol. net, Slovenia, January 28 1999
- Salary - Ben, January 28 1999
- McDonalds - Chad, January 28 1999
- Employee accussing patron of drugs - Lora York, USA, January 27 1999
- McDonalds - Leeann James, January 26 1999
- Exactly! - Paul Dickison, USA, January 28 1999
- A slightly more positive view of human nature - BAAB, BreenEcoWorld, Scotland, January 26 1999
- I want to boycott Mcdonalds - Matteo Lariccia, Italy, January 26 1999
- McDonlads rocks 24/7/365 - Nathan Wicks, England, January 25 1999
- TRUTH TIME....whats in your McD's - Maccas worker, Australia, January 25 1999
- Further on Ice Cream Cones... - McDWorker, Australia, February 10 1999
- Their outlets would be shut down immediately! - Naseer, Malaysia, February 04 1999
- Hogwash! - Jeff, Cal State University, Sacramento, USA, February 17 1999
- Come On people grow up! - McDWorker, Canada, January 25 1999
- bloody multinationals - jacob bard-rosenberg, fishdoctors, england, January 22 1999
- Report - Morga, January 22 1999
- vegertarians - Eleri Dear, Australia, January 22 1999
- Will Y2K KO McDonald's? - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, U$A, January 22 1999
- McDonald's employee - Chris , U. S. A., January 22 1999
- McDonald's - John Smith, none, U.K, January 21 1999
- We want our pub back - David , January 20 1999
- Mcdonalds - James ex Weymouth 288, England, January 19 1999
- Mcdonalds - james, england, January 19 1999
- McDonald's will probably win again!!! - Derf, January 19 1999
- Screening of Mc Libel documentary - Vala, Melbourne Australia, January 18 1999
- CUSTOMER SATISFACTION? - heppesh, canada, January 18 1999
- I feel sorry for volunteers - Candice, USA, January 18 1999
- get your facts straight please. - Sarah , england, January 16 1999
- Live McLibel Web Event - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, January 14 1999
- Down with Macdonalds - Muhammad Ilyas Ansari, Institute of Leadership and Management, Pakistan, January 14 1999
- You`re all crazy! - L.M.L, AK, USA, January 14 1999
- Customers - McCREW, Sean McManus, Australia, January 14 1999
- They won't do that if you don't let them - Hugh Morris, USA, January 15 1999
- Yeah...but.... - McCREW, Sean McManus, Australia, January 22 1999
- working in the pits of HELL - Hugh Morris, Howard Stern Society, USA, January 25 1999
- Really? - McCREW, Sean McManus, Kalgoorlie, Australia, February 09 1999
- Of course! - Hugh Morris, Dirk Diggler Society, USA, February 11 1999
- mc sucks - not important, netherlands, January 14 1999
- lawsuits against McDonald's restaurant in FL - Louorna, self, USA, January 14 1999
- ray kroc - lorn smith , na, usa, January 11 1999
- Give them a break! - kismet, student, UK, January 11 1999
- Why so sad? - friend, U.S.A, January 11 1999
- In control of everything - ottok, none, USA, January 11 1999
- McDoanld's franchise sued - Sprout, Digging out of the snow in, Canada, January 08 1999
- McDonald Stores - Kelly Paloff and Trish McCance, Australia, January 08 1999
- Tell us something we don't know! - Rob, U.S.A., January 08 1999
- McD's coughs up for the workers - Gill, Northern Ireland, January 08 1999