- McDonald's -
maccas would care if someone died in there store
Posted by: pete ( australia ) on October 08, 1999 at 11:11:59:
In Reply to: i'm only 14 and i got paid double what maccas employes get. posted by kazablanca on October 05, 1999 at 14:40:33:

she burns her arms with hot fries??? that must REALLY hurt. tell your friend to get some coordination. and yes, maccas would care if someone died in there store while working because there would be a HUGE compensation payout-- McSpotlight: Really? In the case of Mark Hopkins; electrocuted at McDonald's on the 12th of October 1992, the Environmental Health Officer concluded that his death was due to "blatant criminal negligence" and that "In general terms ... safety is not seen as being important at store level". Furthermore McDonald's never admitted responsibility or liability; as such, there was no compensation for his death. There's no evidence to suggest that they'd be unduly troubled by an employee's death.

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