First we'll make you live like one, stuffed into a miserably crowed room in an airless factory farm. So you don't get sick, we'll pump you full of medicines, but we'll also pump you full of hormones so you get grotesquely fat.When your time comes, we'll hang you upside down and let a whirring razor slit your throat. You better hope it works correctly, given the speed with which they have to do it on the grisly conveyor belt. Otherwise, you'll get dunked into boiling water while still alive.
Then we'll dine on your cooked carcass. Appetizing, huh?
: do you eat chiclken, meat if yes whats the problem, if no whats your problems the point is that the chicken will die either way like we will die, mcdonalds is a great empire and has done very well for itself.
: sorrry but...what do you do for a job
: --
: McSpotlight: Speaking personally, I work as a computer engineer. And we've got any amount (over 30,000 pages) of court evidence to show that McDonald's isn't such a great empire; try visiting our McLibel resources and reading some of it.