: "Answer the evidence, or shut up."
What evidence? You haven't put up with anything that even slightly is like evidence. I start to doubt that you knew what evidence is.
The reason why I respond with "You like to twist words.." is because that is the only thing you seem to be really good at and also do all the time.
If anybody of us has shown evidence that's me, but whatever I state (or write) you twist it around or doesn't seem to even notice my proof. I'm glad it's not your kind that governs...
The academic world (when it comes to food chemistry and nutrition) agrees with me. You only have to look in an university level text book in order to find out that I'm right. So where are your proof, some pictures and a bad text you found somewhere?
You are genetecly coded to eat meat, it will take longer time than your lifetime to change that, I'm sorry for you that you have problems with your own "path".
// Lars