: dear mcdonalds readers,: in the mcD's literature, or actually, the anti-mcD's literature, they always point out that mcdonalds caters to children, through happy meals, toys, clown suits,etc, etc. making it impossible to drive past a mcdonalds without stopping to get something for the kids.
: i don't get it. why can't parents just tell thier kids NO anymore and leave it at that? if parents don't want thier kids to eat by-products and soybean meal, why can't they just say 'no' to mcdonalds?
: if parents know something is bad for thier kids, i would think that they have a responsibility to steer their kids away from it.
: i don't have any brats of my own, but maybe some parents out there can enlighten me on this.
: bye,
: dtg.
: --
: McSpotlight: It's not easily understandable by non-parents (I'm not a parent either); however, children do have a massive influence over their parents; a trip to McD's will frequently be used as a reward for "being good"
(As i explained to deep daddio 9) (?)
maybe it is called child ego like psycology,remember a parent was and still is a child so when a parent gives in to the childs request , they are actualy giving in to the "child like ego psycology , that they live in ,
everyone, no matter how old,or how young, will always remember when their parents said no to something , it feals shity, you dont know why they won't give it to you, so when a child grows up to be a parent,(and remember a parent to you is how ever old your parents are , not the actual age of parents nowadays 15-75)they still have a thing called" child like ego" and they will reward there kids for good behavour,inturn rewarding them self for having a good child, this child like ego is the cookie syndrome: if as a child you are not alowed that cookie,as an adult you will have that cookie and more then ONE; so as i said to deep daddio 9
Create a child that will lead his/her generation to a brighter and better one