- McDonald's -
So don't call the entire chain unsafe because there are a few bad stores.
Posted by: joshers ( USA ) on April 18, 1999 at 16:39:56:
In Reply to: McDonalds has sucked the money and nutrition out of more than half of us posted by heather on March 29, 1999 at 15:20:32:

: Hey Steve I agree with you one hundred percent. Corporate McDonalds has sucked the money and nutrition out of more than half of us. Personaly I don't think kids should be eating that crap in the first place. Whatever happened to good old fashioned home cooked meals? I grew up not eating red meat. Let me tell you, when I tried my first burger from our friend, I was so sick, I literaly turned green and had to leave. Now that sticks in my head because I was allowed to have red meat once i awhile. So I knew the burger from McD's was bad, because that had never happened before. Anyway, sorry to run on. Stick with your opinion and don't take your kids there. People who write posts like yours really need to be careful what you say. Sure, SOME stores have their problems, but any major corporation will have bad stores. It's a fact of life. So don't call the entire chain unsafe because there are a few bad stores. Also, I don't know what it takes to make you people understand that as managers, we inspect things and know the specifications and the ingrediens. During the big E. Coli scare at B.K, the managers from are area stores (myself included) went to look at one of our beef plants. What did I see? 100% all american beef. not fingers, sawdust, birds, cardboard, paper, or whatever you people think we add. Just thought you would like to know. Any questions or comments, drop me an e-mail -- McSpotlight: Does 100% all american beef include growth hormones, antibiotic-resistant microbes, dioxins and other organophosphates...?

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