- McDonald's -It's all safeIn Reply to: So don't call the entire chain unsafe because there are a few bad stores. posted by joshers on April 18, 1999 at 16:39:56:
About that e-coli scare, e-coli was found in frozen hamburgers at I believe it was the price-club (but not exactly sure). That beef supplier also supplied beef to some mid-western BK's. As soon as BKC found out about it they immediateld stopped selling burgers at all mid-western BKs and stopped buying beef from that supplier. Buger King always inspects all beef to make sure it was free of bacteria and germs, so there is no way we can get tainted beef. Apparently, the hamburger company where the e-coli was found doesn't check properly. And although we are positive we will never buy tainted meat, just in case, every restaurant makes sure burgers are cooked at a minimum of 155 degrees. We check our temperatures 4 times a day. In Burger Kings 45 year history we have never sold a piece of contaminated food. (Unlike Jack in the Box and frequently Dunkin Donuts). The Corporation is so strict when it comes to safety standards(stricter than the law)that I have no problem with eating in any BK and I'm sure McD's is the same way. ![]()