- McDonald's -Why so sad?
All Mcdonalds aren't bad, just as all companies there are bad eggs, but do you condem the ones thats trying to do right with themselves,workers, familes, customers and God. If you have had a bad experience with a company take the problem to them, they will fix it or get their employer.There's ranks and chain of commands in every field and position. For myself I have enjoy my Mcdonalds, It's a friendly place to meet, and yes, I've seen some hard times but the total outcome is this the people thats on either side of the counter are people, and people make mistakes on both sides. Lives to short to complain about the small things in life. No one wakes up and decides "todays the day I'll give Mcdonalds workers,customers hell" No I don't think so. As for everyone who works and deals with the public (who can say they don't) Treat people the way you want to be treated. You will be happy in the long run. ![]()