: I have heard it all before from hippies like you, it's difficult for my friends to cook for themselves as they all have high powered jobs and earn a lot of money, unlike people who live off benefits and preach from some position of self indulgence: not kind regards!
: --
: McSpotlight: Speaking personally, I work a 50 hour week, spend an additional 10-15 hours moderating McSpotlight each week and still have time to cook myself reasonably cheap healthy food...
The person that wrote this post is not the same Darya that wrote the original Bigger is Not Better post.......
To McSpotlight: My thoughts exactly
McSpotlight: Oy, not *this* again.
Folks, be alert, there are two explanations here.
The first is that we have two people called Darya posting here; entirely possible.
The second is that we have unnamed or unknown troublemakers trying to stir up regulars. If you see a post from a regular that seems to be really atypical, treat it with a pinch of salt.
(We had a case of this about a year ago; someone later popped up and claimed to have been employed by McDonald's to stir up trouble on McSpotlight; don't know if that was true or not, but if you see something odd posted by a regular *do not* assume it's them saying it; if it's a regular, they'll probably say it again if challenged; you might want to mail them and ask them if that's really what they think.