- McDonald's -
litter clean up
Posted by: Colin ( Australia ) on June 20, 1999 at 14:08:52:

I am wondering whether Mc Donalds have a responsibility to clean up disregarded packaging waste from around restaurants and in run off areas. ie. natural water courses. If there is no such obligation, why isn't there ,and if there is, why isn't it being adhered to. You would think that A Company with such revenue would hold highly in their prorities,the presentation factor and the Cleanliness of its surounding grounds. This does not seem to be the case in Australia,namely South East Queensland. We would Appriciate real and honest Answers no Marketing jargin-- McSpotlight: McD's place the responsibility for clearing up squarely on the shoulders of their customers; they have denied any part in the McDonald's litter that finds it way onto the street.

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