: (You might be interested to know that McDonald's have experimented occasionally with vegetarian food, but the experiments were dropped as they were felt to be "weakening the core brand" (i.e. hamburgers).)
Whilst working there I actually heard that it took so long for the veggie burger in the UK because the then Vice President, and now El Presidente himself, Andy Taylor, deplored veggitarian foods, and refused to allow it. This is all rumour and conjecture, but I heard it from good sources.
I remember one visit in Edinburgh from him. The store was attached to a Texaco garage. He went next door to get some Dunkin do-nuts to compare to the McD's. He asked which one I thought was best, so I tolf him - its fresh ones, not the crap defrosted stale shite in McD's, or the mass produced cardboard from Dunkin-do-nuts.
Just a bit of trivia, thought maybe some one might be interested.