- McDonald's -
Can't we all just get along?
Posted by: Bonobo on February 23, 19100 at 16:35:17:
In Reply to: Insecurity posted by Kevin on February 23, 19100 at 12:01:55:

: Have you vegans/vegetarians noticed that anyone who would go onto a vegan/vegetarian website, postboard or a chat room and try to justify what they beileve are just insecure about what they do beileve, its like those people who go into homosexual chat rooms just to ridicule, it is just insecurity, you guys should really ignore people like bob, just laugh at his insecurity and talk about mcdonalds and such, just my 2 cents :0)This is a debating room. There are people here who are hostile to vegetarianism and animal rights, and they make their views known. People who hold the opposite view respond to them with argument. That's not insecurity, it's debating. So, why are you here? To mock people for the sake of mocking them? Now that's insecurity.

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