- McDonald's -Suckers...In Reply to: so what posted by spike on January 11, 1999 at 00:58:21:
Yeah. You know it, and I know it, but there were still millions of suckers wetting their pants at the (perceived) idea of getting something for nothing. It's as if these punters can't see past the word "free". The free offer was marketed as "our birthday present to you". Of course I don't expect McD's to be benevolent to their customers in any way, but I do expect people to see how they are being conned. I'm sure all the greedy punters, money clutched in their sweaty little hands, thought they were really onto something. In reality, McD's laughed all the way to the bank. It was probably timed to coincide with that post-christmas sales madness that we get into every January, when adults of sound mind temporarily lose all reasoning ability and don't see past the price tag. ![]()