- McDonald's -
Let Me Help You
Posted by: Arjuna on July 13, 1999 at 11:06:37:
In Reply to: Surprise, surprise, surprise. posted by Ray on March 30, 1999 at 11:38:06:

It's pretty clear what bothers people who work the drive-thru, which is why everyone should try to intentionally do annoying stuff every time they visit a McED's. I'll create a shirt of my own, entitled "How to Treat McED's Drive-Thru Workers." Some of the items will go as follows:
First off, they hate it when they have to reach out to get your money, give you orders, and hand you change when you fail to drive right up next to the window. All that exercise is just too much for lazy McED's employees who don't know the meaning of the word "work." This is why you should pull over as far to the side opposite the window as possible. Sit there for a few minutes before you get out to give them their money and so forth. (I've seen this happen, and kids got out of the car to walk over to the window. Hilarious!)
Second, they hate it when you don't speak loud enough into the speaker. So go to the speaker and YELL at the top of your lungs, and continue to YELL when you get to the window(s). Take a megaphone with you, and one of those little horns they use at football games. "Can you hear me now"?
Third, they hate it when you make changes to your order at the window(s). So bypass the speaker altogether, and do all your ordering at the window(s). Make sure you check your order and get all the stuff you need: salt, pepper, jelly, butter, tomato sauce, napkins, double bags, cup holders, and so forth.
If you have any complaints, talk to the manager right there at the window(s). No need to telephone them in (since most restaurants don't give you a receipt or a receipt that you can actually read [gee, I wonder why], finding the number is a pain). No need to write a letter. Don't even go inside, since complaints should be made when and where they occur. Make sure customers in other cars can hear you well too.
They don't like it when you talk down to them. So make sure you talk down to them each and every time. Maybe even plan what you're going to say and how you're going to say it. Don't feel bad, they probably stand around and make fun of you as well. In their mind, they're perfect and all right. Everyone else is flawed and all wrong.
For more, see the shirt.

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