: you....not follow your "crusade" against "the clown". I am going to stop reading you posts because they are, as you would call it, McBullshit you stupid ass: : Thank You.
: : josh, McManager( and proud to be) CLOWNMAN
: Thank you josh for making our day. The less we hear from you the better. Oh by the way keep your comments on Mcdonald's comming because I enjoy your dedication to your company. I hope I am still around when the evil clown comes down on your Mcdonald's and you realize that your future is more important than clean windows and floors. Work on product control, Quality and service and than dedicate your self to a cause (Save the Children) like myself and the ghost.
Ok...how can you EVEN say you dedicated to a cause when all you two do is rant and rave about McDonald's on the website.
And, IF you wanted to eat McDonalds, would you rather wade through knee deep trash in lobby and look outside through windows so scummy you can't see through because my lobby people are in the grill making your "perfect" burger.
What the hell man, both you and David need to get a brain and perhaps a life beacuse you are acting VERY VERY f***ing immature.