- McDonald's -
Have you checked how much more Goodwill Industries and the Salvation Army have been doing for these people
Posted by: otto ( retired, usa ) on April 07, 1999 at 10:35:01:
In Reply to: Some facts if you please... posted by Cassie on April 05, 1999 at 17:09:10:

:Why? Because they spend their hard earned Mc Donald's money buying item that help boost the economy and also so that people like you don't them condemn them from sponging off of you for through welfare. I'm sure this was going to be your next topic ...... I have worked with and trained with many, many handicapped and disabled people. I have yet to see one at McDonald's who slows the service or impares the product because of their disability. You are just as wrong about McDonald's reason for hiring them also I am sure. Have you checked how much more Goodwill Industries and the Salvation Army have been doing for these people for so many years before McDonald's decided to get in on the publicity? Let's be painfully fair here kiddo.

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