- McDonald's -
the success of McD
Posted by: Austin White ( England ) on November 05, 1999 at 16:24:12:

Dear sir, I have just read all this information on your site about McD and I am somewhat surprised to see your reaction. Is it that you find that you are afraid of a successful company? Might I suggest that a company that IS aware of the environment in which it operates, and furthermore, makes steps to improve it is at the least better than a company that is aware, but continues to damage the world? A company of anysort will always pollute the world in someway, shape or form. I nevertheless feel that an anti MacDonalds day is just stupid. Yours faithfully A Concerned Beef FarmerPS British IS Best -- McSpotlight: Since you're only reading this page because McDonald's tried to silence dissenters, it would be fairer to say that McDonald's is afraid of criticism.

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