: WRONG!!!! After the scalding coffee case, ALL stores lowered the thermostats on their coffee brewing machines.
: ~Josh: --
: McSpotlight: However, they only did this because of the fine imposed on McDonalds in the Liebeck case; the facts are that there were over 700 recorded cases of scalding from McD's coffee in the decade before the Liebeck one; yet McDonalds made no efforts to lower coffee temperature until they were punished financially.
: Look here.
.....If you take the time to read my post, you will see that I am saying McRubbish did not do anything about warning the public about the boiling hot coffee until after legal action had been taken against them. Do you really belive McRubbish gives a damm about you/me and society in general? McRubbish cares only about one thing: THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR!!...If McRubbish really cared about it's customers they would have turned down the tempture on it's coffee machines and printed those "HOT" warnings on it's coffee cups long before all those people before 'Liebeck' were injured. McRubbish is a symphony of lie's!