- McDonald's -
I have been a vegetarian for many years, and my blood tests have revealed that I have plenty of iron.
Posted by: Lizard ( USA ) on February 25, 19100 at 23:06:03:
In Reply to: Regarding the meat-eating debate posted by Fiona McKinley on February 25, 19100 at 11:31:05:

I have been a vegetarian for many years, and my blood tests have revealed that I have plenty of iron. I take a multi-vitamin daily and frequently eat foods which are cooked in a cast-iron skillet. I am a healthy woman who eats a good, varied diet, free of junk food. I never eat meat, fish, chicken or eggs. I am the one who posted earlier as "Proud Citizen of the USA." Though I disagree with those who believe that meat-eating is a beneficial practice, I do commend you for choosing meat which is not your typical supermarket shrink-wrapped variety. A very close friend of mine will never be a vegetarian, but she buys "organically-raised" meat. I believe in "going all the way" and never eating meat, but I view you and my friend as having the good sense to question the source of your food.

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