- McDonald's -
Searching....can you help?
Posted by: Zac Domagalski ( DomaTech International, Australia ) on March 03, 19100 at 11:31:51:

As part of my University studies, I have to prepare a resource file on a particular topic. Having seent the McLibel Documentry which showed here recently. I've decided to analyse the recent furore directed at the McDonalds corporation in recent times. Specifically: - The 'Grilled' McChicken Burger Incident. - McDonalds Monopoly "McMatch and win" Stuff up. - Controversy into their expansion into the town of Torquay. - Recently there have been incidents regarding the theft of a Ronald statue, and compensation paid to a gentleman who hurt himself slipping on a wet floor.If anyone could help me with this search, I would really appreciate it. Just tell me where to go. Thanx.

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