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- McD's Employees - Sam, Lake Macquarie, Australia, March 05 19100
- Why so popular? - John, Australia, March 04 19100
- McLibel - muose, March 03 19100
- Please concerned your problems because we like fast food - ueue, curtin student, March 03 19100
- A leaflet from McD - onas, Australia, March 03 19100
- Ronald McMoney - David Ramseier, Switzerland, March 03 19100
- My opinion - Itikoro, Japan, March 03 19100
- bloody Mc Donalds - x, oz, March 03 19100
- mcdonald have rights - torsakul, thailland, March 03 19100
- I love Mcdonalds - soliest7, Japan, March 03 19100
- My opinion - moemoe, Australia, March 03 19100
- good morning - nuna, thailand, March 03 19100
- Mc Donald's is the best fast food restaurant in the world! - Hu, Australia, March 03 19100
- My opinion - snow, Australia, March 03 19100
- Be honest in McDonald's Advertising - Kyde, Hong Kong, China, March 03 19100
- don't always - johnson, china, March 03 19100
- Nothing Wrong With McDonals. - BRIAN TAO . WANG, P.R.CHINA, March 03 19100
- McDonalds Isn't going to like this one. - Todd Hart, vegi-wares.com, USA, February 29 19100
- Ahh but the Defendants didn't win! - Jared, Student, Australia, February 29 19100
- Amazing - Joel Jones, Student of Law, Australia, February 26 19100
- Background reading - essay on multinational brand names. - jules, -, australia, February 25 19100
- congratulations - jennifer fanning, australia, February 25 19100
- A bit of good cheer. - Timothy, Perth, Australia, February 24 19100
- A bit of good cheer. - Timothy, Perth, Australia, February 24 19100
- Sue the Bastards ^-^ - Tony Pater, Australia, February 24 19100
- Shocked - Debbie Kimber, Australia, February 24 19100
- Congratulations - Dave & Helen - Robert, Australia, February 24 19100
- McDonald's - Obsessed with image at expense of truth - michael, australia, February 23 19100
- The Great Debate - Rach, Australia, February 23 19100
- Nicely put. - David Handley, Australia, February 24 19100
- Absolutely inspirational! - Rach, Australia, February 23 19100
- i saw your lawsuit trial - zaim anfried, student, australia, February 23 19100
- McLibel - Oz, Australia, February 23 19100
- I agree. - michelle, February 24 19100
- Information about 100% beef company - Jason, Australia, February 23 19100
- reducing and macca's resistance - Liz Rene, Australia, February 23 19100
- Childrens obesity - Steve Watson, Dunlea Pty Ltd, Australia, February 23 19100
- Mc Libel - Tony, Melbourne, Downunder, February 23 19100
- Not everything about McDonalds is Bad!! - Andrew, McDonalds, Australia, February 22 19100
- helen and dave's valiant odyssey - jules, -, Australia, February 22 19100
- mc what - fred up, February 22 19100
- McLibel doc on SBS Feb 22, 2000 - Anna, Western Australia, February 22 19100
- McLibel on TV SBS Australia - Philip Btowne, University Student, Australia, February 22 19100
- I only thought it tasted like shit - Mike McEneany, Australia, February 22 19100
- mc liars - slawrence, melbourne, australia, February 22 19100
- OOPs on Aus TV - Robert, Australia, February 22 19100
- McLibel / SBS TV - Wendy, Australia, February 22 19100
- Science Friday - Dennis Cooke, Kent State University, usa, February 22 19100
- McLIBEL TO SCREEN ON AUSTRALIAN TELEVISION - j, australia, February 20 19100
- Wake Up Hypocrites! - Ozymandius the Prophet, McGill University , Canada, February 10 19100
- Ronald ! - cynthia, USA, February 05 19100
- Help us to argue against McDonald's, please!!! - Nick L., Canada, February 01 19100
- Rainforests - Andrew T., McD, UK, January 20 19100
- Everyone please answer this... - monikabear, Canada, January 18 19100
- meat - amydonnablythwidram, eyemouth, scotland, January 10 19100
- Comment - Debby, January 31 19100
- What to do when... - Frank, The Netherlands, December 20 1999
- Somewhat Disagree - Not Important, United States, December 09 1999
- McDonald's in France Serves Beer - SS, BMC, USA, December 01 1999
- WHY AM I DOING THIS? - K P Chapman, England, November 29 1999
- McLibel - Tara Jones, England, November 19 1999
- transcripts - Simon Smith, South East essex College, United Kingdom, November 08 1999
- Whoops... - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, November 08 1999
- Sever the McDonald's Cokie Roberts Connection - SS, BMC, USA, November 05 1999
- 'please stop talking that way about Mc Donalds' - Jill , Canadian, Canada, October 27 1999
- Advertising Standards - Aoife Counihan, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, October 27 1999
- Whats with the unproven not being false? - David, Australia, October 14 1999
- Mcdonalds - James Hicks, HSFC, England, October 14 1999
- IS THE ANTI-MCDO fight loosing forces? - Joseph, CH, October 13 1999
- ONE MAJOR Y2K PROBLEM?!! - JamBone, GB, October 11 1999
- URGENT - Joseph, Switzerland, October 10 1999
- I won and they call me a liar - Not the issue, Australia, October 08 1999
- Suggestions, new Mc Death restaurant.. - Joseph, none, Switzerland, October 08 1999
- What's wrong getting a fast bite to eat? - marcie, us, September 28 1999
- New debate. - Kalvin P. Chapman, England., August 19 1999
- McD's, advertising & Children, and the ITC. - K. P. Chapman, UK, August 19 1999
- Prize Ripoff - bear, Australia, August 17 1999
- A Website - Owen Ross, England, August 17 1999
- Lance do realise there is a world outside of America? - georgie, australia, July 08 1999
- I need anti-mcdonalds - Katrina, myself, Australia, June 27 1999
- Be more clear. - Kilroy, June 21 1999
- Let's hear both sides of the story! - Lance Payne, McDonald's Corporation (Cochran Family Franchise), USA, June 13 1999
- McDonalds IS RESPONSIBLE for these disgusting practices. - Carl, Brisbane , Australia, February 23 19100
- Accusations of anti-capitalism - Robert, Australia, February 22 19100
- One final point I missed - Kalvin Chapman, UK, July 05 1999
- I have a few things I would like to say in response. - Kalvin Chapman, England, July 05 1999
- where did you get your facts? and your reasoning. - sammy, June 14 1999
- doesnt look like a victory to me - alexander stollznow, australia, June 12 1999
- Childrens advertising. - Kalvin Chapman, UK, June 10 1999
- Can i find some homepage about McSpotlight in Swedish? - Robert , Sweden, June 10 1999
- a health concern - sammy, June 08 1999
- How easy it is.... - Harald Korneliussen, no organization, Norway, June 06 1999
- My Century... - Red Deathy, Socialist Party, UK, June 04 1999
- I'm with you guys!!!!! - Brunno Cariello, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, June 01 1999
- Demonstation against McDonalds - Björn Ljungberg, Sweden, May 20 1999
- Help me about the Mclibel - Rob Ellis, Heckmondwike Grammar School, England, May 13 1999
- Get a life! - Lance Boyle, People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, USA, May 13 1999
- help for zac - johnno, america, america, May 12 1999
- Wierd - Gary Dooley, Ireland, May 11 1999
- What is the point? - Jerold Arreola, United States, May 07 1999
- need info prop. - apanac, eco-agriculture, canada, April 12 1999
- I thought it was common knowledge... - Matt Devereux, Nene University Northampton, England, April 05 1999
- Made the headlines in the u.s. - Shaun, USA, April 05 1999
- Right On - Chris Carr, Student, England, March 25 1999
- I have to agree with you on this one. - Susan Strange, United States, March 24 1999
- One of the most horrible things that we can do to our Earth, our souls and our bodies - Susan Strange, U.S.A, March 24 1999
- Why McLibel? - McChick, Australia, March 17 1999
- mcshit - sheila friesen, ---, canada, March 16 1999
- McCRAP - McDonalds Crew Representative Against Persacution. - K.P. Chapman, England, March 05 1999
- I'm Mcsickened - jon, usa, March 01 1999
- McDonalds practices racial discrimination - D Jeffery, San Diego McDonalds Location, Us, February 22 1999
- Leave Mc Donalds alone!! - Chris, Scotland, February 17 1999
- Sorry, can't leave them alone. - Doug, Scotland, March 02 1999
- Oh, that's alright then - Shelly, Australia, February 28 1999
- A few 'charitable events' doesn't even scratch the wallet of our friend Ronald. - gazb, England, February 25 1999
- They used to claim that their paper was 55% min. recycled. - Kalvin Chapman, England., February 22 1999
- Companies give to charities for tax reasons, publicity, and so forth. - Damien, February 19 1999
- McDonalds - luis goncalves, Brazil, February 15 1999
- hambuger university - shaun, lily, australia, February 11 1999
- ownership clarification - Dirk Diggler, just kidding, it's Hugh Morris!, USA, February 11 1999
- Thank you for that infomation - shaun, lily, australia, February 12 1999
- I think you'll find that coca cola and Mcdonalds are in the top 5 corporations in the world. - Kalvin Chapman, February 15 1999
- More Coke antics - Hugh Morris, Howard Stern Society, USA, February 15 1999
- More Coke antics - Hugh Morris, Howard Stern Society, USA, February 15 1999
- More Coke antics - Hugh Morris, Howard Stern Society, USA, February 15 1999
- Right on some things...wrong on others - Joshua Wilkinson, McDonald's Australia, Australia, February 04 1999
- LEAFLET - STEVE DEXTE, February 01 1999
- for kalvin, request for help - natalie, france, January 18 1999
- just watched your screening - Toby, Australia, January 18 1999
- David & Helen - The Controller, Philippines, January 16 1999
- Live McLibel Web Event - Rex, McSpotlight, UK, January 14 1999
- McLIBEL APPEAL STARTS 12th JAN - McLibel Support Campaign, UK, January 08 1999
- Sign of the times - Gavin Banns, UK, England, December 14 1998
- Information about Anti-McDonald's groups in Germany - McSpotlight addition - Carsten Braeuninger, Germany, December 14 1998
- a question for mcspotlight - Kristin, Canada, December 10 1998
- Sorry - Kristin, Canada, December 12 1998
- McC.J.D. - Bryan, Independant, England, December 03 1998
- McDonalds - Mark Taylor, USA, December 03 1998
- Global 'McLibel' screening - call for participants - Franny Armstrong, One-Off Productions, UK, November 26 1998
- Global 'McLibel' screening - call for participants - Franny Armstrong, One-Off Productions, UK, November 26 1998
- Stopping SLAPPs - David Beauvais, Attorney, USA, November 12 1998
- Fighting Ford - D Charlton, Believer in the Freedom of speech, United Kingdom, November 29 1998
- Burgerking - Jennifer Mitchell, usa, November 10 1998
- cheap bastards - Lynda Clemens, usa, November 06 1998
- one bad apple - burgermisor, burgerking, USA, November 08 1998
- desperately in need of some help on libel - Stanley, France/England, November 02 1998
- How did the use of the Internet changed the course events for the case? - Wilhelmina, Australia, November 01 1998
- Does anyone have more info on International Environment Law? - Kathy, Australia, October 28 1998
- debates - siti hajar, singapore, October 27 1998
- Liking it - Michelle, Canada, October 21 1998
- clever - smart ass Daddio, October 25 1998
- Boycott McDonalds Response to Caleb Prichard - Andrea Mucci, Rhode Island, USA, October 16 1998
- To people who believe animals have no soul - Jennifer R., U.S.A, October 08 1998
- McDonald's VS. Burger King - John, USA, October 02 1998
- Did someone say McSettlement? - BASE727{mad cow patrol}, L.S-A.P., CANADA, October 02 1998
- LOBBY - WHAT DO YOU THINK?, U.S., September 28 1998
- McLibel - The Book - SteveClarke, England, September 26 1998
- Mcd is hard work for good money - ted poli, McDonald´s, BOLIVIA, September 18 1998
- McGag&puke - Dan Griffith, Canada, August 19 1998
- Bad Meat in the US - Mike Oxlong, C.B.D.O.P, USA, August 18 1998
- macdonalds adds meaninglessness to an otherwise meaningful life - graeme s. smith, ?????, australia, August 02 1998
- big macs opinion - cristian, argentina, August 02 1998
- Please Help!! - STILL NEED HELP, U.S., July 24 1998
- free speech - Sheila Steele, inJustice Busters, Canada, July 23 1998
- WHERE DO I LOOK FOR HELP??? - STILL NEED HELP!!!, U.S., July 21 1998
- i agree - cindi, USA, July 17 1998
- with what? - Steve Clarke, England, October 24 1998
- McLibel - Todd S. Henry, USA, July 17 1998
- I need to talk with you - HELP ME HELEN AND DAVE!!!!!!! , Florida, U.S.A, July 13 1998
- wake up Marc - chris, usa, July 10 1998
- bottom line - chris, usa, July 07 1998
- Making Contact! - Jonathan Lampon, Freelance Journalist, England, July 07 1998
- Facts Are Facts: Thomas - TIM, USA, July 07 1998
- Facts are Facts...Statistics Aren't - Thomas, USA, July 06 1998
- McLibel - Annie, USA, July 06 1998
- Why attack MickeyD's? - Jake, USA, July 06 1998
- uh - us, blah, July 06 1998
- Yes the spent millions on lawyers but you............ - Sean L O'Connor, Canada, July 06 1998
- MCDONALDS ANAGRAM - Ronald McDonald, Ubiquity, June 15 1998
- McDonalds Anagrams - SPREAD AROUND! - Ronald McDonald, Ubiquity, June 15 1998
- 100% Pure Beef???? - Patrick, Canada, June 10 1998
- The Appeal - Alan, UK, June 10 1998
- mclibel trial - Rob Watson, UK, June 09 1998
- NIMBY - lauren lamalfa, usa, June 03 1998
- Re: NIMBY - Gumby, Manager, USA, June 20 1998
- Congratulations Helen & David... - Luciano Carvalho, CONNECT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, BRAZIL, June 01 1998
- The Debating Rooms...and Beanie Babies - Rex, McSpotlight, --, May 29 1998
- Mc Donald's Big Mac!!! - Pooh-Bear, A American Consumer, U.S.A., May 06 1998
- More Oprah McLibel,and the ranchers that act like Clinton on Tobacco - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, May 04 1998
- Helen & Dave, good on you but is it worth it? - Stuart Horsburgh, Australia, May 01 1998
- Educate now!!!! - Stratos, Stratos, Australia the great, April 24 1998
- information request - hicham driouech, driouech sa, morocco, April 20 1998
- Big Mac vs The Others - Jodie, USA, April 06 1998
- The Big Mac - Judy, USA, April 06 1998
- Left and Right,where is the truth? - Barrote,Carlos, Portugal, March 31 1998
- Mick Donalds - Chris J, England, March 30 1998
- horsemanure minimum wage jobs - anti clown food, none, united states, March 30 1998
- Mad cowards - Krister Knutars, Sweden, March 30 1998
- coucou - SuperLulu, limoux11, March 18 1998
- throwing away food - Summer Dawn, USA, March 13 1998
- Put downs on mcdonald employees - eddie, usa, March 11 1998
- Mc Do is much better in the USA than in France - Michael Do, Computer Philosopher, France, March 11 1998
- inhumanity to animals - G.I Jane, New Zealand, March 09 1998
- testing - McSpotlight engineer, March 04 1998
- mc libel - juninho, usa, March 02 1998
- McVCE? - Hilda Desoyza, Australia, March 02 1998
- McToilet - Eliza Jensen, February 26 1998
- McDonald's Coffee is sludge - Eliza Jensen, Housewives of Australia, Australia, February 25 1998
- Freedom of speech - The Lark, ICA, Ireland, February 24 1998
- People are people no matter who they are - Ryan, February 09 1998
- conjugation - eee-i-eee-i-oh, February 07 1998
- McDONALDS IS NOT BAD!!! - DOES'T MATTER, February 02 1998
- I would like to say that the stereotype of a mcDonald's employye is wrong - Anon, August 26 1999
- other things that provided lot's of jobs - Cefn, Wales, February 12 1999
- McDonald's isn't a great place! - ANGEL, USA, November 03 1998
- Big Mac anyone? - Daniel, United States, August 12 1998
- Oh yes it is - Janette, USA, August 12 1998
- Great Spoof. Well done! - Mick Tully, None, thank God!, UK, June 08 1998
- Re: McDONALDS IS NOT BAD!!! - Marie, Canada, February 22 1998
- Bad science by political extremists - Ed Owen, USA, February 02 1998
- High praise - Red Menace, Bad Scientists, Inc., USA, February 18 1998
- Weird rhetoric by political conformists - Gideon Hallett, n/a, UK, February 06 1998
- Bad conformity of Apathetic citizens - GERARD, Socs, N.Ireland, February 03 1998
- Oprah sued by cattle ranchers-MCLIBEL USA!!! - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, USA, January 22 1998
- Capitalism's incentive program - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, January 16 1998
- No freedom of speech - GERARD, SCA, N.Ireland, January 16 1998
- Like franchiser, like franchisee - TCL, Malaysia, January 14 1998
- Danish MD, Mclibel on TV, help wanted - TGJ, ?, Denmark, January 14 1998
- ONE TIME - $ 35 = $ 300.-- IN FAST FOOD COUPONS! - BRIAN HEATH , USA., January 12 1998
- McLibel - kennedy Davis, Britain, January 11 1998
- Death of beurocracy - Martin, Teeside university, Britain, January 09 1998
- VERY BAD FOOD - Larry Williams, USA, January 05 1998
- McDonald's and O J Simpson - Jon Baum, USA, January 01 1998
- Why do the Ads and the product not match? - richard, z, USA, December 31 1997
- Isn't this about McDonald's?? - JW. Jordan, USA, December 31 1997
- McDonald's and McMunchies Lawsuit - Carol, Canada, December 31 1997
- Strong and Courageous - Amy Allen, USA, December 31 1997
- It seems to me you people are truly insane. - Ronald (no relation), peoplesickofhippies, Canada, December 31 1997
- McDonald's - Harold Grandy, Canada, December 31 1997
- Helen & Dave: WE LOVE YOU! - Randy S, USA, December 31 1997
- What do you get when you ... - Dave, USA, December 31 1997
- Mickey Dees - Jon Cole, Jon's Taste Buds, USA, December 31 1997
- Comments from the Right - John Schmitt, US, December 31 1997
- 15 minutes of fame or famine - Gary, USA, December 31 1997
- Morris & Steel - RT Cole, S Force, USA, December 31 1997
- Boycott McDonald's - Caleb Prichard, USA, December 27 1997
- Mc Donald's Big Mac! - Marcy Carmela, Canada , December 08 1997
- updates - Mitch, Pure-food, USA, December 08 1997
- The U.S. Imperialist evil - CITIZEN GERARD, Multi-tendency, N.Ireland, December 02 1997
- picking on a well known organisation - elaine, Ireland, November 19 1997
- Convicts... - The Everett Citizen, IWW, OBU, November 18 1997
- by the way - Lang Tran, from work, US, November 11 1997
- America, read this book! - Jenny, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, USA, November 11 1997
- anti-McD campaign puts animal over people rights - Lang Tran, from work, US, November 11 1997
- ... - sPiN(Lang Tran), US, November 11 1997
- McDonald's censorship on the web! - RAY A KROCK, USA!, November 10 1997
- Overheard before the war... - The Everett Citizen, IWW, One Big Union, October 25 1997
- Please help me. (Chemistry) - Zac, Australia, October 24 1997
- Article Banned - Jessica, Tally, USA, October 13 1997
- Let's support them! - Recupero Alberto, indipendent, Italy, October 07 1997
- was this just a storm in a teacup? - PAUL NICHOLLS, UK, October 07 1997
- Veggie Burgers? - Tom Butcher, Canada, September 11 1997
- McScream - Rich Fitzgerald, USA, September 07 1997
- Clean Trays? - Brian, US, August 22 1997
- Bread & Puppet - Great commentary on case - C, USA, August 12 1997
- HELP! MY ARTICLE WAS BANNED - Sarah, Australia, August 06 1997
- Mac Do - Cathy Francis Baudoin, France, August 02 1997
- Ronald, be afraid, very afraid! - Marcel Bigger, LSE (Postgraduate Student), United Kingdom, July 31 1997
- tobacco?? - lea, USA, July 23 1997
- WHAT? why would you want to put it out of business??? - Lea, USA, July 23 1997
- otherwise they ought to be in jail - Jim McMahon, no affiliation, USA, July 22 1997
- your kind will rule America, and there's not a damned thing I can do about it - Tommy the Terrorist, Anarchist Revolution, New World Order, October 13 1997
- Get a clue, Bozo - William R. James, Meat Eaters Unanimous, USA, March 17 1998
- Jail McDonald's execs - Jane, UK, July 27 1997
- WELL DONE ON LATEST NEWS - Jane Salmon, independent activist, Australia, July 21 1997
- The verdict - good or bad? - Joonas Linkola, Finland, July 13 1997
- Class Action Against McDonalds For Sex Discrim. - Eric Shore, Miami, FL, USA, July 07 1997
- Ginny in Re: to losers - SUE, USA, July 05 1997
- Why concentrate on Mc Donalds? - John Anderson, USA, July 02 1997
- McLIBEL VERDICT A WIN FOR ANIMALS - where now? - Jane Salmon, Individual Supporter, Australia, July 01 1997
- someone had to do it - Michael, Reality Investigationz, usa, June 29 1997
- Judgement proof - Luke Kuhn, Utopian Anarchist Party, United Snakes, June 28 1997
- The leaflet - Matt, England, June 26 1997
- We are all guilty!! - EEE, USA, June 26 1997
- Why? - George, UK, June 24 1997
- Good Luck with the appeal (I think it was a good result despite all) - Simon Britton, Scorpion Design, UK, June 24 1997
- Fast Food Nutritional Data - Joe Beranek, Cochise County, Arizona, June 23 1997
- congratulations on mclibel victory - justin o'malley, australia, June 23 1997
- McD's to pay damages to exploited kids, workers, animals? - Sweet FA, UK, June 21 1997
- McD's to pay damages to exploited kids, workers, animals? - Sweet FA, UK, June 21 1997
- McVictory - My view on the verdict - Albert Beale, PeaceNews, UK, June 21 1997
- McInjustice - Phil Randal, U.K., June 21 1997
- The Postmodern Hamburger - Daniel Lutton, Australia, June 21 1997
- McLibel verdict - Chris Warwick, Britain, June 21 1997
- McZombies! Read the summary before you preach crap! - Dave Twisleton, Monochrome BBS Green section, Britain, June 21 1997
- Well done Dave Morris and Helen Steel - John Fiona Fraser, UK, June 21 1997
- Global campaign with zero budget - Pierre Audet, Canada, June 21 1997
- NEWS FROM AUSTRALIAN LEAFLETTERS WANTED - Jane Salmon, freelance supporter, Australia, June 21 1997
- A global campaign with zero budget - Pierre Audet, Canada, June 21 1997
- Come visit our veggie site and... - Jeff Nelson, VegSource, USA, June 21 1997
- Help PLEASE - Greg King, USA, June 20 1997
- Trial Over - Future Status of Web Site? - Joe Beranek, Cochise County, Arizona, June 20 1997
- Where does this leave free speech? - Dave, City Uni, London, UK, June 20 1997
- Justice and the State - Danny, Brighton, UK, June 20 1997
- McFat - dave, earth, usa, June 20 1997
- Dave Morris and helen Steel - keep up the good work! - Barrie, UK, June 20 1997
- Special Offer of the Week - Happy Meal, MacDonalds, USA, June 20 1997
- LOOOSERS! - Adam Smith, PC Physician, USA, June 20 1997
- Re: LOOOSERS! - Tony Molina, Australia, June 21 1997
- Mad Cow ! - Avi Lehyani, USA, June 21 1997
- Re: LOOOSERS! - Ginny, Leeds Green Action, UK, June 20 1997
- I question your competence. - Jean Martin, Canada, June 20 1997
- you're the loser - Sarah, N/A, UK, June 20 1997
- verdict - Sharman, U.K., June 20 1997
- Congrats to Mcdonalds!!! - Ron Dixon, Proctor and gamble, UK, June 20 1997
- Procter and Gamble? Hmmm... - animal lover, USA, November 08 1997
- Minimum wage jobs useless for most - chickadee, Allegheny Earth First!, U$A, June 25 1997
- save your congratulations - Caroline Toomey, Australian Consolidated Press, Australia, June 23 1997
- Re: Congrats to Mcdonalds!!! - D. Ayer, Canada, June 21 1997
- not much of a job - Steven Suranie, USA, June 20 1997
- Ronald McDonald House - Erich Brunner, USA, June 20 1997
- Congratulation - Victoria Sanderson, UK, June 20 1997
- The Law Is An Ass - Tommy the Terrorist, Anarchist Revolution, New World Order, June 20 1997
- What a Waste of Time and Money - Marty Luning, I luv Maccas, Australia, June 20 1997
- Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? - Marty Luning , I Luv Maccas, Australia, June 20 1997
- Re: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? - Michael Fitzgerald, Australia, June 20 1997
- Re: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? - Andrew, (side of McDonalds), Australia, June 20 1997
- Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? Perhaps, but let's have freedom of criticism! - Siamak, UK, June 20 1997
- Re: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? - Tommy the Terrorist, Anarchist Revolution, New World Order, June 20 1997
- So who are the real winners? - Paul Nicholls, lawyer, UK, June 20 1997
- Who were the real winners? - Paul Nicholls, lawyer (not involved in the case), UK, June 20 1997
- Mclibel - Arthur Muggs, independant, UK, June 20 1997
- Where's the original leaflet? - Jeff, USA, June 20 1997
- So what about the leafletts? - Jennifer, USA, June 20 1997
- David & Helen's financial responsibility. - Kevin L., Canada, June 20 1997
- A Dark Victory for McDonalds - Ben, USA, June 20 1997
- Disappointing but also positive - Gillian Appleton, Mountains Against McDonald's, Australia, June 20 1997
- McJustice - David, LM Online, UK, June 20 1997
- Any group that................... - steve, san diego, california, usa, June 20 1997
- Nutrition - who really won? - Anne Golding, England, June 20 1997
- Judgment - Ralf Hesse, Filstal Online e.V., Deutschland /Germany, June 20 1997
- Get your friends involved !!! - Rigsby, Leeds, England, June 20 1997
- One law for multinationals ... - Jackie Conway, England, June 19 1997
- McDonald's lies again! - Ben , UK, June 19 1997
- Verdict - Goliath Jones , Wales, June 19 1997
- You lost - David Farrar, New Zealand, June 19 1997
- I don't eat there and neither do my children. - N.Wallace, Denver, CO, USA, July 06 1998
- stopped eating at McD's - Matthew, UK, June 30 1997
- Re: You lost - Sid Griffiths, IRFD(UK), UK, June 20 1997
- Actually you are the loser - Graham Lenton, not applicable, England, June 20 1997
- Re: You lost - Steve, AUSTRALIA, June 20 1997
- you haven't followed the story - Jess, June 20 1997
- Hardly! Get your facts right. - Ben, UK, June 19 1997
- read the fucking summary before spouting off - Alison Hardy, UK, June 20 1997
- means justifies the end? - David, Australia, June 20 1997
- Verdict - Claudia Sayer, South Africa, June 19 1997
- We're having a big celebration party over at VegSource! - Wendy, USA, June 19 1997
- Verdict - Ashley, Austalia, June 19 1997
- Finally,a verdict that makes sense! - Joe, McDonalds, Canada, June 19 1997
- VICTORY . . . . for the campaign - Husna Begum, UK, June 19 1997
- Ignorant Yank Question - Thomas Andrews, US, June 19 1997
- Good ol' British Justice - Mark Williams, England, June 19 1997
- long live capitalism ! - Luke Skywalker, Switzerland, June 19 1997
- I think McDonalds have been abused! - Robin Waite, S.W England, June 19 1997
- Those with the money sway the law - John Gillman, Reading Socialist Party, UK, June 19 1997
- Verdict - Ben, UK, June 19 1997
- You lose - Frank Dobbie, Seaward ltd, uk, June 19 1997
- The verdict isn't surprising - John Franson, USA, June 19 1997
- Re: You lose - Ginny, Leeds Green Action, Britain, June 19 1997
- Re: You lose - Ben, UK, June 19 1997
- Re: You lose - Dave Twisleton, Monochrome BBS Green section, UK, June 19 1997
The trial ends... - Les. Hayward, U.K., June 19 1997
Sloppy Service and Inferior Hamburgers - H. Galloway, United States, June 18 1997
help on transcripts - paul Hilton, Hmmm, England, June 17 1997
Bought a partially eaten burger!!!! - Rob Wilson, USA, June 12 1997
C4 documentary - Peter, Ireland, June 09 1997
Macca's just doesn't taste nice.... - Julie , Australia, June 09 1997
McLibel - Burger Culture on Trial, by John Vidal - Robert Alcock, University College Dublin, Ireland, May 30 1997
Comment Invited - McLibel Lessons - Business Article - Allan Toombs, Escritoire, UK, May 24 1997
Comment Invited - McLibel Lessons - Business Article - Allan Toombs, Escritoire, UK, May 24 1997
Video of C4 McLibel programme wanted desperately - Jon Massey, United Kingdom, May 22 1997
Conditions for McD win? - Neil Fitzgerald, UK, May 20 1997
Article - International Herald Tribune 20 May '97 - Ian, FRANCE, May 20 1997
Advertising and Libel - Michael Fitzpatrick, UK, May 20 1997
McLibel! show biased - TOWARDS MCD'S - Steven Illich, UK, May 19 1997
What are the governing bodies doing? - Joshua Kainth, England, May 19 1997
OI ! Mc DONALDS. NO! - Eddie, UK, May 19 1997
C4 Drama / Documentary - Mike J., UK, May 19 1997
I can't believe I wanted to work for them!! - Ben, Yorkshire UK, May 19 1997
Well done C4 - rigsby, England, May 19 1997
C4 Programme - Ian, UK, May 19 1997
MacDonald (Beefheart) - innes, Scotland, May 19 1997
Who reckons McDonald's are going to sue then? - Jessica Jones, UK, May 19 1997
Channel Four Documentary - John, UK, May 18 1997
Channel 4 dramatisation - Camilo Clarkson, Uk, May 18 1997
Has Channel 4 got Dave Morris right? - Simon S, UK, May 18 1997
Channel 4's - Jackie, UK, May 18 1997
A Modest Proposal - John Pollock, London, May 18 1997
Cigarette Advertising - David Howard, Canada, May 06 1997
Survey--please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997
read-me, Gideon - just me again, student, USA, April 27 1997
other fast food reatraunts? - Andrew Merwin, USA, April 21 1997
stop bashing McDonald's, positives outnumber negatives - Melissa Mattox, student, USA, April 18 1997
teenie beenie babies - Fran Dyer, USA, April 18 1997
McLibel verdict. When? - Mathew Harding, LA Brooks Assoc., USA, April 11 1997
McDonald's - Pissed off reader, February 08 1997
have I found you? - OG, Turtle Trotters, USA, February 07 1997
Ronald Mc Donald, dosn't he look like a Nazi? - Benjamin, HEMP- Help End Marijuana Prohibition, The United States of America, February 05 1997
- Re: Ronald Mc Donald, dosn't he look like a Nazi? - McKiller, USA, April 18 1997
- What's the latest??? - Emlyn, Ireland, January 27 1997
- I need information - David B. Malter, USA, January 23 1997
- Burger King - Sandy KLerks, Holland , January 14 1997
- Get off your high horses - Davey Dibble, UK, January 06 1997
- WHERE DO I GET McLIBEL AND McBOYCOTT STUFF! - Bilbo The Clown, Australia, December 29 1996
- where is the anti-McDonalds pamphlet? - mike harpring, the MPC, USA, December 17 1996
- Consumerist societies - Michael M. Rosenblatt, December 17 1996
- Advertising - Carl, Australia, December 14 1996
- McLibel - Sam Edge, Silverleaf, United Kingdom, December 14 1996
- Mclibel - Dave Voce, UK, December 14 1996
- Labels - Jennifer, Canada, December 05 1996
- Re: Labels - Martin Christiansen, Red Youth, Denmark, January 12 1998
- Confussed - Chuck, USA, December 09 1996
- Why attack McDonalds - Elizabeth Chamberlain, USA, November 29 1996
- all that is evil - Nate Everett, April 04 1997
- Re: Why attack McDonalds - chris shipwash, a, usa, March 17 1997
- Re: Bro Club - Franklyn Woodchuck, Bro Club, U.S. of A., January 17 1997
- Re: Why attack McDonalds - Simon Jones, UK, December 14 1996
- Re: Why attack McDonalds - Fergus Murray, UK, December 11 1996
- McLibel case detractors - Matthew, (Student), Canada, November 20 1996
- General - Amanda Willis, UK, November 20 1996
- McLibel! - Stuart Cooper, UK, November 15 1996
- Burger King - Sandy KLerks, Holland , November 12 1996
- I'm not surprised - X X, November 11 1996
- Why Attack Mcdonald's? - whomevewer, November 03 1996
- Why McDonalds? - nrml, individual thinkers of america, USA, November 01 1996
- McLibel & All Others Who Believe Animals Have A Soul - Sharon, U.S.A., November 01 1996
- homocentricity - Fergus Murray, University of Bristol, UK, December 11 1996
- Re: McLibel & All Others Who Believe Animals Have A Soul - Shelly, Australia, December 09 1996
- Re: McLibel & All Others Who Believe Animals Have A Soul - Gideon Hallett, amateur anarchist, UK, December 05 1996
- Re: McLibel & All Others Who Believe Animals Have A Soul - Gideon Hallett, amateur anarchist, UK, December 05 1996
- McLibel - Blaine, Canada, November 01 1996
- Re: McLibel - Stephen Psallidas, UK, November 01 1996
- Fast Food - Bill J, Minnesota,USA, November 01 1996
- How I realy feel about ........ - King, Australia, October 21 1996
- Please Grow Up, All of You - A reasonable person, October 21 1996
- McBoycott - lnmann, UK, October 18 1996
- Support - Kevin A. Christensen, Unlimited State Atrocities, October 16 1996
- Oh, God... I'm An Accessory To Libel! - Cameron Mac Millan, The Trauma Corporation, Ireland, October 13 1996
- why? - Peter Read, UK, October 13 1996
- Vegans-hemp farming-freedom - Brooke Ann Mark, USA, October 04 1996
- british beef - kieran mc kenna, europe, October 02 1996
- B.K. vs Irish pub/WSJ 9/30/96 - Leigh, U.S.A., October 02 1996
- Burger King - Sandy KLerks, Holland , October 01 1996
- The factsheet - Hal Scoggins, USA, September 19 1996
- re: Kids Club Fun?? - Sandi Boggs, September 17 1996
- This is just totally depressing - Heather M., USA, September 16 1996
- Here in Victoria, B.C. - Betty Brightwell, Canada, September 10 1996
- Keep it up. - John Peacock, September 02 1996
- good luck - stinson, bdm, England, August 14 1996
- Mcdonalds presence in schools - support for the Mclibel two - Abby Hoffmann, UK, August 04 1996
- Anti-McDonald's Day of Action - Mary Bradwell, UK, August 01 1996
- Chicken and the egg - Yeo, au, July 17 1996
- Looking for the leaflets - Hank, July 14 1996
- Hello and best wishes - Dave Morris, McLibel defendant, UK, July 01 1996
- Good luck to the McLibel 2 - Jackie Conway, July 01 1996
- Congratulations! - John Wood, Ruprt Public Interest Movement Inc., Australia, June 30 1996
- Involvement of police? - Simon Stanley, England, June 21 1996
- The case is a fluke and your enthusiasm misplaced - Jane McIntyre, England, June 03 1996
- Steel and Morris - sarah, student, canada, May 27 1996
- Burger King is not American! - Dan Dunn, May 24 1996
- Why not use your energies toward something of value? - Tim Morrissey, Temple Theatre, May 24 1996
- Are you having any effect? - Michael, UK, May 17 1996
- Go and see the McLibel Trial - Suzanne, UK, May 12 1996
- Why should we pay for this trial? - Ian Davies, England, May 10 1996
- The (lack of a) Jury - Karen, May 10 1996
- McLibel Trial gives hope to all who care about truth and justice - Michael Klaper M.D., Institute of Nutrition Education and Research, USA, May 08 1996
- Top executives on trial - any other examples? - Julie Grantham, Wales, May 06 1996
- Brilliant, unadulterated ballsiness of the two defendants - Chaco Chicken, UK, May 04 1996
- Recent exhastion of defendants - letter to Helen and Dave - Nigel McFarlane, Australia, May 04 1996
- David, Helen and Goliath - Karen Tutt, New Zealand, May 04 1996
- Vast media focus on the efforts of ordinary people - Debbie Lampon, UK, May 04 1996
- Omnivores vs Vegans - Bob Gary, May 04 1996
- Found you after a year of looking - Graham Ross, May 04 1996
- They cannot stifle free debate - R.C., UK, May 02 1996
- Democracies degrade into fascist states - Patt, May 02 1996
- Shouldn't they sue their own spies? - Sylvia O'Brian, UK, May 02 1996
- court is not your answer - Dan, USA, May 02 1996
- David, Helen and Goliath - Karen Tutt, New Zealand, May 02 1996
- Defendants' case on rainforests - Brian, USA, May 02 1996