- McLibel -
It goes like this......
Posted by: Joramwilson ( citzen, Australia ) on February 24, 19100 at 12:32:30:
In Reply to: Everyone please answer this... posted by monikabear on January 18, 19100 at 18:41:36:

In Lamens terms it's hard to find proof. Often McDonalds puts out the word that they need beef in third world nations for example Brazil say. Hope your with me so far. Farmers then apply for loans from the government to buy or lease tracts of rainforest with the pretense that McDonalds is looking for beef and so they have a guarenteed buyer. Then they raise their cattle, fucking the rainforest in the process. Maccas gets it's cheap beef, consumer gets burger, farmer gets cash, pays off loan but his land is fucked, so he applies for another loan and the cycle continues. So in the end the rainfoest is ruined, but not directly by Maccas but due to their actions nonetheless. But you won't catch Ronald red handed in the Amazon with a chainsaw. They're too clever for that!

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