- McLibel -
Re: Good luck to the McLibel 2 - My heros!
Posted by: Ceri Jones ( All We Need Is Love, Wales, UK ) on May 30, 1997 at 02:33:42:
In Reply to: Good luck to the McLibel 2 posted by Jackie Conway on July 01, 1996 at 01:24:20:

> Good luck to the McLibel Two. You two are very brave and very persistent > (!) to have taken on McDonalds. Certainly, there's virtually nowhere for > ordinary people to express concern with big, dodgy multinationals like > McDonalds, so well done for taking them on. I'd just like to second this. You guys are AMAZING!! This case, and this site has changed my life imensely for the BETTER! I am forever in your debt for helping me smell the coffe in such a fine way. I sincerely hope you crush those b*****ds in court, but it you dont, just think of all those people distributing another few million "What's wrong with McDonalds?" leaflets. PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) Ceri.

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