- McLibel -
how would you like to be born to die?
Posted by: shaun ( lily, australia ) on February 12, 1999 at 12:01:14:
In Reply to: Right on some things...wrong on others posted by Joshua Wilkinson on February 04, 1999 at 19:47:00:

: Finally our beef etc is from abbatoirs that are not cruel to animals, i know i have seen it myself. PLease feel free to email me with any comments or statements or disagreements you might haveOnly if you did not get my email (sometime it does not work), Yes you can say that our abbatoirs in autralia are not crule to our animals , but first you have to define what being crule to an animal is, could it be the fact, that our abbatoirs bread and kill livestock for the egos of poeple, that these animals only point of living is to die how would you like to be born to die? being crule to an animal does not just mean, bad living condisions and dying horrably, "The word freedom does not come for free" regards, shaun-michael

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