- McLibel -
I can tell you one thing
Posted by: Pooh-Bear ( American Consumer/Veteran, USA ) on May 06, 1998 at 13:45:16:
In Reply to: Capitalist fuckers geting overpayed. posted by Fredrik Bergstroem on March 12, 1998 at 15:50:16:

I can tell you one thing, fella, you think it's easy having a franchise. Thinking that those people are making alot of money. I got news for you. Fact#1: If you don't follow the Guide-lines set up in Franchises, you can loose your ass! Fact#2: I don't know how it is in your country, but here in the states, you have taxes up the ass! You have to pay local tax, state tax, federal tax, FICA Tax, and on top of that you have to pay McDonalds for the right to have the place of business, plus the money up-front, not pay as you go. If the people working at McDonald's don't like the pay scale, then quit and find another job The only Capitalist's problem's I see, are people like you telling people like us how to live, Get a Life!!!: McDonalds is what I like to call capitalist pigs. While the franchisers are making a hola lot of money doing nothing there are people working in the restaurants making almost nothing. : They are not only oppressing the working class but also all the poor animals getting eaten up every year. : "I Rather be dead than alive by your opression" : /Refused!!!

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