- McLibel -
It really makes me mad
Posted by: Christine Cain on May 19, 1998 at 09:36:11:
In Reply to: teenie beenie babies posted by Fran Dyer on April 18, 1997 at 00:45:32:

This is in response to the first person who posted this message about the teenie beenie babies. I just want to say that i work at McDonalds. It really makes me mad when people like you start complaining, you basically said we should deal with it because we were the ones who decied to have the t.b.b. well, they were just for happy meals. If you were able to buy them you were lucky. Most wouldn't let you or you could just buy one. It is VERY possible that they were sold out and getting more in on Saturday. There was supposed to be only one shipment to each store. But to please the "loving" Costomers each mcd tried to accomidate to them and get as many as were possible. But since you guys bitched so much about our efforts we will be getting ONLY one shippment this time. So before you start complaing you should relize that we are trying as hard as we can, and people like you ruin it for everyone!!!

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