- McLibel -
Why did they agree to let it be filmed?
Posted by: Ben ( UK ) on May 18, 1997 at 03:37:49:
In Reply to: Channel 4's posted by Jackie on May 18, 1997 at 00:39:24:

I've just watched it too, and I have to say all the best to them too!!!, not that I entirely agree with them they did put across a convincing argument...however though I may never have a McChicken sarnie again, I need my six of MacDonalds thickshake...I guess I'm just a victim of mass media exploitation!!!! All the best folks!!! and keep on going!! PS wouldn't it be interesting to see how that show affected things like the McD's share price and sales figures...why on earth did they agree to let it be filmed???!!!!!

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