- McLibel -
hambuger university
Posted by: shaun ( lily, australia ) on February 11, 1999 at 11:04:24:

HAMBUGER UNIVERSITY? Why do we need a university dedicated to making poeple brainwashed to mcdonalds,its bad enough mcdonalds is hear in the first place,we don't need a hole uni for it ,we even have one hear in australia,not that i want to join, its hard enough doing my studdies now!(there is also a a thing called year thirteen in my country,if you work at mcdonalds while you are doing your h.s.c (hihger school certificate(s.a.t's,or the end of high school)you can get beter marks if you do badly ,just by the fact you work at mcdonalds( a so called team enviroment)and in america and in europe if you do well in your class assesments,you are awrded marks (or mcdonalds points)enabling you to get free food at mcdonalds,or even ajob,in other words the better you do the more food you get,and the more chance of a job working for the devil it self(yes the devil is not a he!)can some one tell me the WHY?

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