- McLibel -What a Waste of Time and Money
I pity the couple who took on this corporation for a nil result. It probably got a lot of press for their organisation, London Greenpeace and a lot of personal publicity that they probably would have never have got, when is the obligatory book and "Oprah" interview coming out? People will still be going to Macdonalds in droves and this will not stop the continued operation of their restaurants. I beleive their is nothing wrong with their food. My motto is "everything in moderation" Just do some regular exercise as well, which is what every medico suggests. I like eating meat and I don't think we should start jumping up and down about "inhumane slaughter" of animals ! What did our forefathers do ? Did they think about the "poor animal" before spearing it? Mcdonalds won at the end of day. Good on them for sticking up for themselves. They obviously take slanderous allegations very seriously to spend the amount of money on their legal representation. Pity people like this couple who have nothing else better to do than clog up the court system when there are more serious matters that need to be heard ! ![]()