- McLibel -
Re: What a Waste of Time and Money
Posted by: Tobias Leenaert ( Belgium ) on June 20, 1997 at 12:20:10:
In Reply to: What a Waste of Time and Money posted by Marty Luning on June 20, 1997 at 11:11:22:

Excuse me, there are a couple of your points that need correcting, Mr "Waste of Time and Money". 1. Everything in moderation. Is this some lame walking of the middle way, an idea coming from a mind not strong enough to take a stand in anything? And what about "moderation" in animal torture, what about "moderation" in the destruction of our planet? Or are we getting too sentimental to your taste? 2. What our ancestors did, you ask? Well, among other things, they walked on all fours. Does that mean we should too? I think not. The ancestor-argument is plain nonsense, so don't use it in the future. 3. More urgent things to do? Are you contributing to any cause that is more urgent? Besides, WHAT is more urgent that the problem of world poverty and hunger?

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