- McLibel -
Big Mac anyone?
Posted by: Daniel ( United States ) on August 12, 1998 at 17:42:01:
In Reply to: McDONALDS IS NOT BAD!!! posted by DOES'T MATTER on February 02, 1998 at 11:57:26:

I know that McDonald's is a global Fast Food Restaurant. I also know that it owns and operates many stores itself. It also franchises stores to individuals all around the world. I can not speak for the local business practice of all McDonald's restaurants. I only know that here in Lincoln, Ne, USA McDonald's is owned and operated by the McDonald's Corp. From what I can tell, my friends some of which are Manager's with the Corporation, are doing extreemely well. I am the silly person who thought I could be a school teacher and hopefully amass enough wealth to be able to retire comfortably. I am very wrong. In only twelve years with McDonald's my friend who is one of the store managers in Lincoln, will have accumulated over a million dollars in her 401k plan. I only wish my Teacher's Union had the kind of retirement plan as she is getting. McDonald's may be a tough business for some of it's employees to handle. It may even get on some people's nerves, but you have to remember that more than half of the corporations business is outside of the United States. This little piece of information, may help enlighten our friends who believe that progress is another mans ruin. The great earth will keep going on, so until then, Big Mac anyone?

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