- McLibel -
Re: you really scare me
Posted by: AHIMSA ( sweden ) on December 22, 1997 at 10:44:51:
In Reply to: you really scare me posted by C.C. on February 09, 1997 at 17:14:18:

mcdonald does more than murder non human animals- the kill people too !!in asia they find poor people who will work practicly for free... if anyone of the workers tries to stand up for their rights...they re dead. no investigation follows- all the people in power are bribed to their teeth W I L L W E L E T T H I S I N S A N I T Y G O O N ?? keep the fight against mcdonalds, delmonte, cocacola co o. co going- together we are strong !! if you still fell the desire to eat at mcdonalds- eat french fries you have got a choice- the cow has not power does not give people the right to torture and murder ANIMAL LIBERATION NOW !!

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