- McLibel -
15 minutes of fame or famine
Posted by: Gary ( USA ) on December 31, 1997 at 15:18:09:

I watched most of the 60 Minutes tonight but it was pretty boring. The company involved was accused of a lot of thing that I myself do and probably 90 % of the people in my country preform on a daily bases. Namely cook . This looks like another attempt to blackmail a company that backfired on the conspirators . Since they had no job , no other life , and plenty of will to spend the public money , they set out to garnish themselves there little bit of reconition , since they were disfunctional in the work environment. They could have chosen and of the British fish and chips industries with the same health and animal issues , but chose insted to go for the most publicy. This proves that this type of thinking is not confined to my country alone.I have worried that the changes being wrought here for my own good will in the near future result in me having no personal choices . I hope that the issues of the workers involved is realized as a seperate one , that was added to give some credinate to the lible.

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