- McLibel -
Danish MD, Mclibel on TV, help wanted
Posted by: TGJ ( ?, Denmark ) on January 14, 1998 at 09:41:14:

Believe it or not, the Md's in Denmark are actually WORSE than in holland and other countries. When I went to Holland with my class, we were surprised to find that the food there was more delicious than the MD's in Denmark, there was even salad in the burgers! :-)Well, I actually like, the fast (junk) food they serve, but I do not support them at all. The food is extremely costly, and it won't fill your stomach for long. And then there's this environmental issue. I never found out: _Are_ they depleting the rainforest? Some weeks ago I went into a MD's to study their brochures, and there was not a single notice about not destroying the tropical forest, is that some kind of admittance? If you know something about this issue, please mail me- I'd like to know. Oh, before I forget: I found out about the mclibelcase because I watched something on some channel broadcasting the story. Really gives the story publicity. -Tgj

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