- McLibel -
Dave's son Charlie
Posted by: Cathy Fisher ( UK ) on June 24, 1997 at 11:12:18:
In Reply to: Re: Can't pay - wont pay! posted by Tommy the Terrorist on June 20, 1997 at 12:15:18:

> Actually, while we apparently can't help them out... there's another > victim to be considered. As I recall, one of the activists, Mr. > Morris, has a son. Already, this poor kid has been forced to suffer > by having his father essentially kidnapped away from him for the past > 2 years. Now, because his father will be unable to accumulate a lot > of money, this child is further a victim, in a financial sense. > Is there any way that a campaign could be established, by which we > would donate to ensure that Mr. Morris' son will have the advantages > that he will otherwise lose, due to the villainy of the McDonalds' > Corporation?That's a really nice idea! Charlie has indeed lost much of his fathers time due to the trial. While I doubt that Charlie will suffer finacially because of the damages imposed on Dave, I am sure that he would appreciate some additional quality time with his father. Perhaps a fund to send them both on holiday somewhere would be more approbriate.

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