- McLibel -
Hypocritical viewpoint!
Posted by: Andrew ( (McDonalds Side), Australia ) on June 20, 1997 at 15:22:58:
In Reply to: Disappointing but also positive posted by Gillian Appleton on June 20, 1997 at 05:15:59:

: As one of a group that successfully fought a proposed McDonald's development in the beautiful Blue Mountains, New South WalesHave you thought about how hypocritical the views of groups such as yours are. The verdit of the trial, with the libel upheld is widely seen as being suppressing freedom of speech. Compaigns such as yours, however, reduce the right of me to freedom of choice - the freedom to choose to eat at McDonalds instead of some quaint, overpriced sandwich & devonshire tea shop as I travel along the highway, without having to wait until I reach Lithgow or Springwood. McDonalds should be allowed to open in any place it wants to (subject to zoning) - and if local residents don't like them - simply don't go there ! Please don't restrict the right of others who actually like (shock, horror!) McDonalds food and convenience.

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