- McLibel -
Re: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business?
Posted by: Andrew ( (side of McDonalds), Australia ) on June 20, 1997 at 15:20:55:
In Reply to: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? posted by Marty Luning on June 20, 1997 at 11:07:22:

:More on the dole queue, with no career prospects. Mcdonalds for many :young people, was their first job and gave them much needed :experience to face the fast paced world we live in. :Everyone winges about what they get paid, if it wasn't Mcdonalds it :would be some other company. Most western companies have an award :wage rule. I am sure Mcdonalds complies fully with all relevant :industrial rules.I completely agree with your views on all points. It is simply because McDonalds is so big it is a target. The points the result made against McDonalds could equally be applied to a vast number of food businesses. For example the family run chicken shop down the road probably uses battery chickens, just as we would if we bought a frozen chicken from the supermarket. It is undoubtably true that _certain_ managers might underpay employees (especially on overtime), but from experience that can happen in any type of business (more prolific within small businesses than large ones like Mcas). This whole opposition to McDonalds (this web site for example) is simply a way people attempt to 'tear down the tall poppies'. McDonalds has had phenomenal success over the past 50 years, and now is the market leader in the fast food area. They must be doing something right. I wouldn't eat there if I didn't like the food, or had serious concerns about their operations. From the experiences of myself and people I have talked to, there are no strong enough justifications to criticize McDonalds. In my opinion, they provide the best value and convenience available.

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