- McLibel -
You little whinner
Posted by: D. Lee Phelan SR on June 12, 1998 at 09:49:20:
In Reply to: Re: Weight of evidence shows McD's exploits worker posted by dan tomasevi8ch on January 05, 1998 at 11:55:03:

You little whinner. Your wifes availability was most likely bear minimum. The call to request your wife to work was most likely a call to replace someone absent or no showed...and not a MANDATORY requirement. Hopefully, your wife found another job. I'm sure your job doesn't support the family. McDonald's is an American Icon. It supports and develops ALL it's workers and managers. Those who say otherwise, don't just take there word...look closely at them. It not rocket science to work at McDonald's, but unfortuniately for some of McDonald's employee's it is. Those who can't cut it...always complain. Same thing when they lost their last job, or dropped out of school, etc. Always someone else's fault. Is McDonald's perfect? No, and neither are any of us or the companies we work for outside McDonald's. I Hate to think where a lot of our developing children would go for leadership training and business skills, if not for McDonald's. Dedication, motivation and inititive are all skills McDonald's tries to foster in all it's employee's, if that's a bad thing; I can't think of a good one. McDonald's also fosters responsibility and accountability; hence "McLibel". It's not hampering freedom of speech. It's holding accountable the people to bear true testimony, in accordance with the LAW. You want to whine, then whine. You want to put it down on paper and pass it around...you better be able to back up your claims - not here-say. Weight of evidence shows McDonald's exploits workers? I don't think so and neither do the governments of MANY nations. There's only one other thing I got to say for those who continue to piss and whine........GET A LIFE-- McSpotlight: "The Second Plaintiff does pay its workers low wages, thereby helping to depress wages for workers in the catering trade in Britain. To this extent the defamatory charge in the leaflet is partly justified." - Justice Bell, taken from the verdict of the McLibel trial.

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