- McLibel -
Shut your mouth!
Posted by: Pablo ( orgi?, Mexico! ) on June 04, 1998 at 09:32:28:
In Reply to: Re: Lets Put Mcdonalds Out of Business? posted by Andrew on June 20, 1997 at 15:20:55:

: :More on the dole queue, with no career prospects. Mcdonalds for many :young people, was their first job and gave them much needed :experience to face the fast paced world we live in. : :Everyone winges about what they get paid, if it wasn't Mcdonalds it :would be some other company. Most western companies have an award :wage rule. I am sure Mcdonalds complies fully with all relevant :industrial rules.I work at McDonalds and I think you should all shut up. They have never treated me unfairly or tried to exploit me in any way so if you don't know what your talking about you should SHUT THE #@*% UP!!!

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