- McLibel -
What does McSpotlight stand for?
Posted by: Bev Fromal ( America ) on December 31, 1997 at 15:26:12:
In Reply to: What a hideously selfish opinion. posted by Rob on December 12, 1997 at 00:03:27:

I came here with a open mind, because I saw their peace on 60 minutes. There they made sense. I agree with most of what McSpotlight says. Fighting big Business. But now. I just think now that this is just a place to make fun or cut down anyone who disagrees with what McSpotlight thinks. Now I ask. What are they fighting for? The fact that McDonalds is distroying many rain forest and Working people beyond their limits or the fact of sueing someone for using the Mc in their names Or is it a Terrorest web site. That hates more of what man stands for? And they disagree with what the world is all about.And since they disagree with anyone who disagrees with them. They won't even look at another person point of view. This is not a discussions area.

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