- McLibel -
I don`t believe that the US runs EVERYTHING
Posted by: Jason ( currently not organized..., USA ) on December 05, 1997 at 10:21:36:
In Reply to: The U.S. Imperialist evil posted by CITIZEN GERARD on December 02, 1997 at 18:32:25:

. Yeah, obviously the USSR was NOT socialism in the way us anarchists mean it, but I don`t believe that the US runs EVERYTHING --The power is shared amongst the burecrats and wanna-be facist corporate multinational entities....--The US government/military powers DO do horrendus things,though -And too many ignorant, patriotic americans continue to "see no evil, speak no evil " like good little followers of their tremendous GOD-STATE..... --It pisses me off,dammit. site....:

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