- McLibel -
Re: David, Helen and Goliath
Posted by: jim gladwin ( fairdeal coalition, auckland, new zealand ) on February 27, 1998 at 10:22:46:
In Reply to: Re: David, Helen and Goliath posted by shane on December 16, 1996 at 02:16:12:

: I wish Helen Steel and Dave Morris all the luck, strength, : courage and support they need for the continuing battle. Every small step : they take is indeed one giant step for humankind. : I too Live in NZ and am interested in action against Muc devious : please send me info
: Shane Hollands : 128 Sunnybrea Rd : Glenfield : Auckland Hi shane and Karen. I too am in new zealand - or what is left of it! For mine, Mc Dunghills wastes their ill-gotten gains by appealing to we who will never go onto their patch again. This site is great. I have only recently come onto the web. Let's get some local support going for David and Helen – their struggle is ours too. (I think they are appealing the court decision). Shane, if you are interested in action agin transnationals also, give me a ring – right now we have a picket going near you on the Shore against a Telecom cellsite mast. Ph 09 828 4517. Cheers, Jim

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