- McLibel -
prove it, boycot it and inform others
Posted by: Adria L. Chappell on September 04, 1998 at 00:26:11:
In Reply to: Freedom of speech is not absolute. posted by george on July 21, 1998 at 09:57:58:

"Freedom of speech does not include the right to shout "fire" in a crowded theater." Oliver Wendell Holmes JR.Unless ofcourse you beleive that we have the first amendment right to hate, harrass, assault, or to hurt anyone in any manor. If that is that case then we have redefined the original use of the Bill of Rights. It comes down to this you can't lie about someone with ill intent or hurt anyone physically. If a company is with prior knowledge putting people and our environment at risk that is the crime. So prove it, boycot it and inform others.

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