- McLibel -
Big Mac, Big Mistake.
Posted by: Mary Niblock ( deakin university, Australia ) on April 30, 1998 at 10:46:48:
In Reply to: McD's has been lying to the public for many years now posted by Bob Roberts on July 22, 1997 at 16:26:54:

It is true. Not only is McDonalds environmentally destructive, but they are the world's most politically, culturally, socially and religiously incorrect franchises. Big Mac, Big Mistake. McDonalds reached saturation point a long time ago and it is about time we stopped the construction of more buildings immediately. How can it be moral or even ethical that so many millions flock to McDonalds as though it was the most precious Holy shrine on the face of the earth. More cases like "Mcliable" need to occur in other countries. I have exhibited artwork regarding McDonalds and Religion in one of Australia's prominent art galleries and broadcasted my thoughts and beliefs on a religios current affairs program on the ABC. If anyone is interested in purchasing t-shirts with various anti-McDonalds logos on them for $5;oo, contact me on: mrn@deakin.edu.au

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