- McLibel -
coming over to Capitalism and Alternatives
Posted by: The Lark ( ICA, Ireland ) on March 24, 1998 at 17:53:56:
In Reply to: Capitalist fuckers geting overpayed. posted by Fredrik Bergstroem on March 12, 1998 at 15:50:16:

: McDonalds is what I like to call capitalist pigs. While the franchisers are making a hola lot of money doing nothing there are people working in the restaurants making almost nothing. : They are not only oppressing the working class but also all the poor animals getting eaten up every year. : "I Rather be dead than alive by your opression" : /Refused!!!Would you mind coming over to Capitalism and Alternatives and telling me about your country I hear it works a very mixed economy and has virtually non-existant poverty.

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