- McLibel -
A Modest Proposal
Posted by: John Pollock ( London ) on May 18, 1997 at 00:09:19:

Not long now until the result of the McLibel trial, which may, God willing, pour enormous resources into the depleted coffers of Helen Steel and Dave Morris...however, it may not. Either way, could I suggest that you open up a holiday fund for Helen and Dave? They're bound to be exhausted by the entire process, the publicity around the verdict will be welcome but no doubt draining - and they deserve a holiday.I for one will happily donate something if you do open up such a fund. And assuming enough is raised, then (for once) the whole issue of the ecological impact of tourism should be put aside - it should be their choice. I recommend southern Africa, but the Galapogos Islands might also appeal, before they disappear. I'm sure the McSupporters also deserve a holiday, but surely we should start with Helen and Dave? Best wishes and all. John

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