- McLibel -
McD's Employees
Posted by: Sam ( Lake Macquarie, Australia ) on March 05, 19100 at 11:48:26:

Just thought i might bring up how Macca's treat its employees, yes they employ a lot of young people but for how long, i know here in AUstralia you're usually out byt the time your 18 and now have a minimum wage. Another concern is the safety of the environment, i don't know how many of you heard about the boy getting electircuted in wollongong, well he is dead.-- McSpotlight adds: And he is not the only one to have been killed at McDonald's. Take a look around the site and you will find that others have died as a result of the insentive to cut corners for the sake of lowering costs and increasing profit levels. But don't worry, McDonald's seems to be looking at replacing it's burger flippers with robots.

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