- McLibel -
Congratulations Helen & David...
Posted by: Luciano Carvalho ( CONNECT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, BRAZIL ) on June 01, 1998 at 18:13:44:

I'm a Mcdonalds fan, just to have an idea I have lunch from mondays to fridays, 20 times a month, and some times I eat at weekends eather. I love McDonalds, since the times I used to live in US. It's very rare a company who threats their customers as Mc does, that is fact and we realise it. Also, I have never had problems with that company in USA.But there isn't a perfect organization, and they have to recognize it. When a company achieves this social status they are vunerable to receive critics and they shoud take advantage of it and not take an attitude as Mcdonalds did to Helen and David. Critics were made to get better and not for get you a damage. My favorite org. should take the critics and get their service each time better, better and better, and not take the people to the justice. That proves that something was going on about what they said. That is my point.

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