- McLibel -
reducing and macca's resistance
Posted by: Liz Rene ( Australia ) on February 23, 19100 at 12:14:21:

You might be interested to know that Maccas were under pressure, for a short time, in Newcastle Australia, to use fully reusable cutlery and crockery in a new maccas that was proposed in the Newcastle area. 3 Greens on the council managed to convince the rest of the council to have that condition of consent in a maccas development application. However.... maccas went into a major panic, bringing in their spindoctors and other australian heavies to fight the decision. Some of the weaker members of council (no doubt under political pressure) crumbled, and the council ended up signing, as a substitute, a memorandum of understanding on some environmental issues, such as some fairly standard water and energy usage (nothing too groundbreaking) but most of it with the proviso that the initiatives are "economically viable" (a convenient loophole). However, before the council crumbled, there were calls of support from all over australia, and from further afield. It was just a shame that most of the council didnt realise the difference that condition (which was one of a few environmentally sustainable conditions applied to that consent) might have made to the mighty golden arches organisation in australia. What is needed is for people to contact their local councillors and put pressure on them to improve, and even resist where it is legally viable, the onslaught of the big M as it marches so seemingly indestructably throughout our country, and our world.

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