- McLibel -I would like to say that the stereotype of a mcDonald's employye is wrongIn Reply to: McDONALDS IS NOT BAD!!! posted by DOES'T MATTER on February 02, 1998 at 11:57:26:
I work for McDonalds and I have just come home from a 10 hr shift. I really get hacked off when customers treat me [and other crew members] like a piece of dog turd. I would like to say that the stereotype of a mcDonald's employye is wrong ... I have 11 GCSEs, am doing 4 A LEvels and I am meant to be going to Oxford university... yet some customers treat me like I am a complete moron who cannot work out how to put things into my till or even remeber stuff that they have said to me. Please remember this when you next go into a McD's. Oh and it is a hard job to do. If you don't belive me come and get behind the counter and then you'll realise that you're soooo wrong and will have to stop giving me and other crew hassle! ![]() None.